
If you didn’t like the movie, just say so, but unless you’re ready to damn “Star Wars” for the use of the word Master and depictions of slavery, “Buckaroo Banzai’s” use of ethnic accent and ever other movie, story, song, image of the past that fails to live up to today’s sensibilities, spare me this, “Look! I’m one of

Srsly...if you’re getting this, you HAVE the blu-ray already. Who’d they make this set for, me? (I still only have the DVDs which is still the classiest box set ever.  And I have the slipcase.  SO MUCH CLASS!

What’s somewhat difficult to forgive...ends up hinging on the idea that this chunk of the MCU descended into a zombie apocalypse because people weren’t familiar enough with horror movie tropes.”
After nearly 2 years in a pandemic, we still have people refusing to use masks and take vaccines. We can’t complain about

If you have to get a job directing a Marvel movie to pay off your student loan debt, then no sane person should ever get loan to get that degree. That’s like banking on winning the lottery to pay the loan off. It’s not worth it.

I really don't like the MCU, but this is by far the most bad faith reading of these characters I have ever seen.

They’re going about this all wrong. The movie doesn’t need a remake in tv form! But a tv show that acknowledges the supernatural laws of the movie’s universe has potential… Think about it, in the entire universe, ONLY Kevin Costner gets a message from ghosts? No way! There must be all kinds of stories of people being

The base concept of incognito Supes wandering the world 80s-tv-show style while trying to find/redefine himself was a brilliant one. Having that for the majority of the movie would have been really interesting and a nice fresh take.

It actually had more to do with regular, bright sun.

This quote from the CW CEO makes me think/fear that they’re going for gritty reboot territory: “Tonally, it might’ve felt a little too campy. It didn’t feel as rooted in reality as it might’ve felt.”

The tough thing to consider here, and I hate sounding like Ebenezer Scrooge, is that those ideas were just ideas, and would have only stayed ideas, if it weren’t for the incredibly expensive investment Marvel made in cultivating them, growing them, producing them, marketing them and delivering them. These guys did not

But the thing is - superhero comics is a form of storytelling that exists only because of monolithic corporations. When creator ownership is the rule, like it is in European comics, you don’t get shared universes. You might get authors that are prolific enough to create their own tiny universe of related titles (look

Whatever else the movie did wrong, the idea of ‘TLJ ruining Luke’ from ‘hardcore’ fans is the most hilarious misunderstanding of Star Wars characters, lore and philosophy they could muster.

Strikeforce Morituri

The price is what did it in. Plenty of people would have bought one if it was $1000 instead of $5000 (about 7500 today).

“Gandalf never told you what happened to your father.”

I’m on the opposite end. I would HATE if this movie feels compelled to explain what’s happening because often times that just raises further questions.

TV in the ‘80s made me believe there were far more abandoned 50 year old iceboxes around then there actually were. Because there were precisely 0 of them around when I was growing up.

I was about to say “no, and I checked,” but I 100% did NOT stay until the end of the credits this time, even though I’m generally inclined to do so. There is one of those “mid”-credits scenes that happens after two cards’ worth of credits. So MAYBE there’s something about not playing in abandoned iceboxes that I

Yeah, I really don’t get the problem. I just assumed Loki was bi from the first time I saw him in the MCU; he’s a literal God, he’s Mischievous and shuns authority and social there really anybody that saw Loki’s demeanour and thought to themselves, “Oh, he only fucks women, because that’s what’s accepted in

about 20 minutes into The Sixth Sense I guessed what was going on so I’ve been able to skip all the tortuous angst that so many millions have gone through trying to understand how he started out so awesomely and “ended up” so terribly