
Prestige? I’m not sure why you bother to review anything on other streaming networks other than Apple TV which is the only true prestige network in town. Aside from a collection of amazing gan favorite that are award winning and thought proving entertainment, the interface is second to none in intuitiveness and states

I’m guessing it’s easier to move this forward now when you can pitch it as “Imagine Top Gun Maverick where the fighter jets turn into giant robots

Well, it is a nod and a wink to the original Daredevil costume before it went to all red.

Just a weird side note...If I remember this correctly from looking it up a while ago... Hollywood was terrified of putting a number at the end of a movie sequel title. It wasn’t until the success of Godfather 2 that they became comfortable with it. Then they just got lazy.

I liked the “wandering hobo Clark” stuff.

I completely disagree. There is just nothing compelling about RoS. It’s a series of nonsensical action pieces where not any of them stand out or are memorable, there’s many absurd leaps of story logic, and it constantly breaks rules set forth in the universe for the sole purpose of spectacle by turning force users

Counterpoint: most of the star wars movies even before Disney took over really weren’t that strong to begin with.

There’s no reason you can’t have two star wars movies in the same year, especially if they have a strong connective tissue, and after 8(?) years since the last one.

It helps prove to adult fans that the kiddie space fantasy show they are watching is actually an adult show.

One thing I would like to see in Star Wars is a hero’s journey type story, based around an orphan growing up on a desert planet. That would be cool.

Is Gunn actually directing/writing this thing....or is he just sort of overseeing the entire universe and laying the pathways for others to do all the work? ( I honestly don’t know).

Any bets on which episodes will just ignore Rosario and be completely overtaken by Mando/Grogu or Ewan McGregor showing up for fort minutes?

Does the battery pack come with the headset for $3500?  I just assumed it did, but I was told that the battery pack is additional $1000 or something...and now I can’t find any other source if that is true or not.

Agreed, I have “compelling” evidence about Miami Vice.

This is less about “one failure” or shortsightedness, and more about the last 5 pixar movies have not made their money back (based on production costs and marketing). You are looking at over 3.5 years of losing money on every project. Granted, this is due to factors out of Pixar’s control, primarily covid related, but

The strangest part is that, in the end, this almost doesn’t feel like a debacle. By all accounts, it sounds like it was an amazing experience and fairly well put together. It’s just that the pricing of the spectacle of it exceeded the traditional “every year we go to Disney” repeat business crowd that Disney really

Oh, him seeing the AK made him fold A8? Oh that’s amusing ( or well, that’s poker, actually)

Yeah, if another another player says they saw someone else’s hand and folded on the deal, that would indicate the other hand is holding two high cards. A pair of queens facing this board is only afraid of kk or aa, and would be REALLY hard to not ride it all the way to the end.

“We Don’t Talk About Bruno” is a right wing anthem against cancel culture.

Frozen really riffs hard on the musical version of Wicked, so if you’ve seen Frozen, you’ll get most of the gist of the musical version.