Actually, the Aladdin remake was pretty colorful.
Actually, the Aladdin remake was pretty colorful.
Brave is worse.
However, sitting down in a theater was a different story and still, as a Black woman should, she was completely unbothered taking up space. She deserved to.
The bamboo set sadly pales in comparison with all the other flower sets lego has been doing recently.
I think that, traditionally, usually a long-time actor who is well regarded in the Hollywood community will always win the Best Supporting Role Oscar if they have never won before. It’s very often a lifetime achievement award.
“Learning to speak a language” seems like a really bad thing to base an award on. Otherwise everyone in Avatar ( and especially the guy who created the language) should have multiple Oscars now. Otherwise you are getting into things like “I learned to play piano for this role, I’m committed!” and “I learned to ice…
Marvel: Goes out of their way to prevent other spidermans from appearing in No Way Home. In fact, goes to such great comical length denying it that basically everyone knows other spidermans are going to appear, regardless what Marvel says.
I’m not sure “ride time” should include the time not moving that is spent “waiting to launch until another roller coaster ends”.
Based on this chart, most people lived in rural areas, prior to 1920.
Any Best Picture winner that features a song called “Thank Heaven For Little Girls” and a 16-year-old title character being trained as a courtesan is not going to play well in 2023.Best Picture should have gone to the powerful and provocative The Defiant Ones.
Anyone who has complained in the past about the term “unobtainium” (which is an actual term coined in the 1950s) better be wringing their hands, just waiting to type how stupid a name like “mythosaur” in various chat channels.
The idea that anyone would use Superman 3 as a template for a +$100 million movie budget <shivers>.But hey, at least Superman 3 had in-world rules and followed them.
Michael Keaton in Batman?
That sounds like a new AMC show.
I will agree that regardless of the choices, Mando’s dialog really good no personality to it.
I think what makes Mando tough to write for is his helmet; Clint Eastwood could say a few words, and then scowl, and then you know that the character is actually being sarcastic (or whatever) about a situation with the subtext of his facial expressions.
I think it was John Byrne who said he wrote/comic books assuming that the reader had never picked up an issue before, so on the first three pages of every issue he had had have all of the characters A) doing something contrived that shows their power and B) some contrived way of calling them their codename.
His name was Blondie.
Fresh Sith of Bel Air
I like the idea that the author thinks that everyone on the Death Star should be all “Yo. Vader, wazzzzup!” when they cross paths.