
I’m not sure “ride time” should include the time not moving that is spent “waiting to launch until another roller coaster ends”.

Based on this chart, most people lived in rural areas, prior to 1920.

Any Best Picture winner that features a song called “Thank Heaven For Little Girls” and a 16-year-old title character being trained as a courtesan is not going to play well in 2023.Best Picture should have gone to the powerful and provocative The Defiant Ones.

That sounds like a new AMC show.

Almost all of TV in the 24 episode era were developed as "bottle episodes" with very little "campaign" storytelling.

That was kinda of my take in the middle of season 2.... What started out as something that SHOULD turn into Good Bad and Ugly in space, has kind of turned into BJ and Bear given that the hook isn't there SpaceGuy With No Name, but instead "what adorable thing will Grogu do."

So, a Superman game that has thousands of bystanders running around during the fight scenes, and the game ends when the collateral damage meter fills up?

make them bad at shooting guns!

Rocksteady wants this to be a fast-paced, high-flying, run-and-gun shooter.”

Yep. The quality of Andor being a 1970s dystopian political scifi story doesn’t diminish Mandalorian being a spaghetti western. ( even though, I not quite sure that’s what Mandolaorian is anymore)

Well, what you are complaining about being as “fan fic” is actually describing how pretty much all open-world-ish RPGs work.

Yeah, that’s been sort of my take, too. In a lot ways Wingspan feels like a more complicated version ofgive everyone a big box of dice, shake them up, and count up your score after shaking to see who wins” given that there’s virtually no long term strategy to it and almost all tactical. But that’s part of its charm

Yeah, it’s a miniature tactics game/campaign with the occasional “there’s a person crying on the side of the road, do you help them or not, it could be a trap!” card thrown in between games as the “RPG” component.

I’m not even sure Gloomhaven is the biggest game of the decade. (I guess it is to geek crowd). But certainly something like Wingspan has sold more copies.

I always got mad when I was a kid watching Looney Tunes, and one of those random shorts came on where something like Daffy Duck was being a waiter at a restaurant serving food to all the caricatures of famous movies stars of that time. Like why should I find it funny that Humphrey Bogart is reaching into his coat

I’ve never seen Family Guy as adult animation. It’s mostly for 12 year old who want to think it’s for adults because of the occasional innuendo.

To be fair, throughout the history of film, a surprisingly large chunk of movies are adaptions of other works.

And even the music changes to help indicate that it was all a ploy.

At least it felt like the new Ant Man movie is sort of rooted in the Antman sadness for not having seen his daughter grow up from the trailers.

I’ve never played the game, but am watching the show.