
On the other hand, I just watched a bit of QT being interviewed on the Howard Stern show, QT was asked if he asks his actors to improvise, and basically said "hell no, you are hired to read my lines". While I get what he's saying, I would also argue that, much like Marvel, you are clearly signing up to be in a

It should be noted that unobtainium dates back to the 1950s.

Here’s a question...unless you have a financial stake in the movie, why should anyone care how much profit and/or loss it takes in? There’s really no reason to be emotionally invested in a movie beyond “I really liked it and enjoyed it for the price I paid to watch it” or “I hated it.”

I read this and then remember, about 70 percent of the commentators on this website consider Dei Hard a terrific Christmas movie.

Wonderful Life has magical angels. Also going through all of the important events in a person’s life in the past is a fairly strong element of the holiday season ( reflecting on the past, see Christmas Carol or Christmas Story). So there’s quite a bit of “magic of the holiday season” kind of thing going on, even

Holiday Inn is terrible compared to White Christmas. Fight me!

My wife is Chinese, and she loves that part of Christmas Story.

I’ve been seeing a lot of weird plays that make no logical sense, and I do often wonder if I’ve simply been playing against a CPU Agatha Harkness or something because the server couldn’t match me up with anyone.

Andor is pretty amazing, but I can certainly see why it wouldn’t be popular. Star Wars is pretty much a comfort food brand at this point with pew-pew spaceship battles and space superheroes with laser swords. This is what sci-fi is to many, many people.

Yep. The first GotG worked well because you essentially had everyone in the universe playing straight man to Quill’s adolescent jerkiness. But somewhere along the line they decided “wouldn’t it be funny if EVERYONE was an adolescent jerk” in GotG2. So you get lines like a Ego, a living god planet, saying “I gotta take

I doubt ride share would solve the problem. I’ve used a ride share 7 times in the last 6 months, only to have three of those trips not pick me up (but I got to watch their car on the map pick me up and take me to my destination without me in it).

I am sort of annoyed that I keep finding cards that really make no sense to play ( which I assume they will get digitally fixed in some future balance update ala Hearthstone).

I enjoy the show, but I’m not convinced that replacing Cavill with someone else is THAT big of a deal in this case....I don’t feel like there’s a lot of “deep nuanced character...ACTING!!” in the role; to me it was mostly a lot of sullen grunting and swordplay that a probably a lot of lesser beefcake actors can pull

I don’t know....I think most of the Marvel movies generally have different tones and themes. Even some of the more recent ones (setting aside quality for a moment).

Why do you think hiring the Cyborg guy would score a lot of good will?

I guess it’s easy to say that, but I can’t imagine anyone wanting every movie like GotG2, where everyone is a snarky misfit... even the godlike villian, because it’s “funny”, regardless of their character.

White male writers also killed off Batman’s parents and Spiderman’s parents and uncle. Is it a conspiracy?

This sounds like you want your media review folk to be well versed in all sorts of media, and a variety of stories from books and films to understand various references instead of “I saw a meme once. This is where it’s from.”

I don’t really know if general VA talent is specifically “underpaid”, given that there is a HUGE amount of people who are willing/want to do it ( there’s either 3 or 4 people at my work who do it as a side gig), due to the extreme flexibility of scheduling and really short performance sessions ( no hours of makeup and

When Hearthstone started out, it was a pretty fun, exuberant experience, but I think that the natural state of how card games work...and when the card pool gets that the games do eventually just fall into “oh look, I’m playing this next match match against someone who just copied [insert top meta net deck