
You mean automobiles?

Only if he intended to write his own Bible.


Fake news: There is no corner in the oval office.

Shh! Gawker doesn’t care about facts!

Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

I don’t think there has ever been an instance where anyone could really prove that Nintendo superficially cut supply for some reason... nor has anyone convincingly explained why they would want to do so (as far as I can tell). It may cause a bump in the buzz surrounding a product but if they don’t get the units

“Game Play Counselor” was the greatest job title in the history of low-wage service occupations.

I’m going to buy this and drive an hour up to my parents house and use their landline to make the long-distance phone call to Redmond Washington. They’re going to be pissed just like they were 25 years ago.