
actually Job's is right there is no "real" problem. try gripping any phone like that tightly and see what happens. As a random test I tried that same gripping on a BB 9700 and to my surprise it went from full 5 bars down to 2 bars. I know the iphone4 goes to 0 bars but gripping a phone tightly on the side will cause

@BDot: I own a BB 9700 and my complaint / frustration with RIM is that they won't update the things that make it a great phone. 1. it's time to remove the email limit truncated email seriously annoying. 2 give more space on the device for storage 110mb free and now coming up 209mb is still not enough. With emails,

umm why not just use a bluetooth ear piece?

so this is a lesson to everyone stop trying to do the drop call trick... no one holds there phone like that for a reason

the article or video title should be "How to Get Free Advertising on Gizmodo"

@zjgz: hmm an iphone shake test, i'm thinking with enough gforce on the shake we could have a problem... or atleast get free gizmodo advertising out of it like did

the same thing happens when you drop a tv, new born baby, glass mirror, plate, glass cup, a human idiot off a building, ....

99.9% of cops dont give a shit. you'll get arrest. doesn't matter if you're let go a few hours later the fact that they can screw up you day and have you sit in jail or a cop car when ever they want is the problem.

@Graham J: can lonsdaleite be scratched? its 58% harder than diamond... and if so what could scratch it hmm

But, that's the back not the front. I thought its the "front" side with the strengthen glass

so you mean i can have 2 account logged in one in my bed room and one in the living room... OMG! let the cheating begin. leveling up will be oh so easy now =)

@Michael King: But Amazon is in a business that running a music store would seem natural. they sell books, ebooks so music wouldn't seem out of place for them. But, itunes will always be #1, they came out first they did it better they have the #1 portable music device.

take that PSN+. Microsoft is just lowering prices and cutting deals and discounts all over the place. Bet Nintendo and Sony are like WTF!

Google Music store would be a waste of time and money for google. It'll be in beta for ever, only people that would care would be google fanboys, itunes has the market on lock. also google's A D D will kick in and they'll lose interest after about 6-12mons or so. As the mention of Google Checkout... google tried to

Mcafee does not have the best track record of "curing" anything... what is this cure going to let you know you're sick but not actually cure you like there Antivirus app.

@Mihos: The was no place to sit, so them not letting you sit its because where would you sit. and the games they had out required you to move around. You're going to play bowling or dancing will sitting down? Think about it this way if you have a wii how often are you sitting? Majority of the time you're standing

@SnoopyFish: His opinion is based on actually hands on game play... the facts we've read are based on what we're told how it works

@petethepanda: its more of a success based on hype. just like the nintendo 3ds ... if you have a wii then you kind of know what to expect from the PS Move... The kinect and 3ds are new and different (yes i know about the eyetoy but very few people have used that). So based on that a person with all 3 systems would

@jordanwaite1: I dont think its anti... They actually got to demo the items. Everyone here commenting has yet to play with the PS Move or Kinect. We're basing or opinions on brand loyalty and articles / videos we've seen. Clearly thats not enough to give a valid opinion on it but love it or hate it the authors have