
@hxczuner: The win or lose is always debates. Depending on the interest of person you're asking. If you're a hardcore game you may say Sony won "but" 90% of the good games where just videos and coming soon/2011. I can see trailers online nothing special. Nintendo had a really good showing... Not games that i'd play

@FishPockets: exactly, and people still think it cost $599... they're not doing enough to inform people that its $299. I'm not going to lie I didn't know the ps3 was $299 till recently.

@TriplEEE13: Kinect already has two racing games to my knowledge, and as for shooter games like I said in another reply MS shouldn't do it or consider it. Hardcore shooting games require some type of feedback vibration, rumble, etc... you can't get that with no controller. Yeah they probably can make the screen turn

@worsethannormal: I'm just point out where Sony lacks. Its a great system but the general public sees it as expensive not everyone knows that you can purchase the system for $299 and not $599. If more of my friends had PS3's i'd be on ps3 and psn trash talking while playing games. PSN after being on xbl there is no

@Kanji08: you seem like you want to be right no matter what. my facts and opinion were basis clearly you see processing speed and the key factor to a great console you're entitled to your opinion.

@TriplEEE13: everyone said the same about the wii standing up having to moving your arms all the time... that argument doesn't work well. The kinect has a market and its not for everyone... I personally will try it out just like I tried the Wii out. I see the kinect as something to use with family and friends just

@Kanji08: No your wrong the last Neilsen charts has #1 360 #2 Wii and #3 PS3. Microsoft doesn't have to "beat" the wii all they have to do is attract some of there users to the 360 with kinect. In which will help keep them at number. With just accessories and xbox live games MS is able to attract the younger and

@Rictor: but sony is still #3 of course with a price drop to $299 of course they're going to get sales... but those sales did nothing to change there 3rd place. Like i said in other replies the games will always be there and majority of the time are released on all 3 consoles... so you're left with bring the user to

@Kanji08: Microsoft is making the right moves to keep the 360 as #1. Ps3 on the other hand Sony is just making the system look even more expensive. Let me explain, the games will be there for both 360 and PS3 developers normally release on both if not all 3 console. So MS/Xbox has nothing to really worry about other

@☆Giroro G66☆: thank you. Sony needs to focus on advertising. The PS3 and PSP rarely advertised. I see my xbox 360's in movies, commercials, game montages than PS3. Its still stuck in peoples head Sony PS3 599.99 sorry most people dont know its cheaper. And Sony is doing nothing to correct that. I see Sony PS2 info

@BulletProofVess: See you're missing the point. No one can argue that Sony PS3 is the better hardware, it is. BUT it stop there. its about the gamer experience Sony lacks in that department. And you have to look at this with an open mind and not as a ps3 fan. Look at the PSP and DS ... psp is far better, but Sony

@Wwhat: The $150 or 149.99 is just something for people to pick on about. Lets be serious the people complaining about $149.99 aren't going to purchase it even if it was 99.99. I've bought racing car steering wheels for $129 and they just work with one game type. PC gamers spend 300-400$ for graphic cards to play a

@Eulatos: Its not the games, pretty much 360 and ps3 have all the same games or similar killzone/socom vs halo/gears... they have similar titles. what it comes down to is gamer experience and Sony is lacking in that department. Look at the PSP vs DS, the psp more powerful but the gamer experience is far more fun on

@JesusDeSaad: the PC gaming market requires more... think about all the different computer configurations and video card requirements... developing for a game console you pretty much know your game and product will work on all consoles. it just makes more sense at that end of the day.

@Spartanical: PS3 is the better system overall hands down BUT... sony as a company are not making the right moves to position the ps3 as #1. Xbox 360 is number one for a reason, the gamer experience is fun. yes the system was known to rrod but people bought new ones that shows they're a lot more to it than

@Eulatos: but the gimmick works and its cheap. sony's "gimmick" is expensive and unrealistic for 90% of the ps3 owners. Sony has to get ps3 owners to shell out at least $2150 more and then have to convenience game developers that they should make 3d games for a small percentage of people with 3d tvs.

@Bard of Awen: I'm glad XBOX is not focusing on shooter games for the Kinect... just like with the Wii shooter games suck. You want to feel the vibration from the controller when you're hit or the grounds shaking. The Wii sucks at that and so will the Move. Regardless of what anyone one thinks its just not the same

@Mihos: you're going to have to wait at least 6-12mons for the majority of the PS3/PSP games to come out that were shown. That's what frustrates me about Sony everything is coming soon. Every E3 they spend atleast 20mins talking about sales and ps2 then show 75% demo's and videos of games coming soon and then play 2-3

imagine Kinect with Madden NFL and you're the QB... that would be sweet