The sound was truly incredible in Red Dead Redempton, but do you know what stood out the most for me? The cutscene dialogue recordings. It had that...I don't know, but for want of a better word, "sound", like it had been lifted from a 70's movie. Seemed like the bass had been toned down , lots of mid-range. It was…
Ironside certainly had a big hand in making the series what it is, though. Bravo to that. Thanks, Michael Ironside. Thmichaelirons—[trips over his own tongue and down a flight of stairs].
It's a cracking soundtrack, perfect for playing in the car, with the volume set to "holy fuck I can taste my eardrums". Also, if like me, you tend to hum along to the French Horn parts, it's ideal ^_^
"Broadcasted"?I take it you meant "broadcast", as "broadcasted" is the past-tense?
I know, I know, I just couldn't walk past and say nothing.
I bought the game and I will admit I found it enjoyable. For a little while. But once I realised that, no, the player matching*actually is* non-existent and yes, I will get matched against en entire team of folks who have "prestiged" (or whatever it was called, I forget) multiple times whilst I am, like, level 2, I…
I see your Medal of Honor and raise you one medal Of Honor:F rontline. Manor House Rally, anyone?