
Hmmm... I thought all Calibers were built in Belvedere, IL. It is what they switched to after the Neon was canceled ( gas prices increased a lot at the same time and Chrysler had no efficient vehicles to sell to the public). Hopefully the demise of the Dart isn’t a sign of an impending fuel price surge.

I believe there was an article a few years ago about increased transportation costs helping drive some “re-shoring” efforts, so it depends on which energy costs you’re referring to.

I thought he was promising big tax cuts for all those mean companies?

That and the repair guy charges an arm and a leg to fix it. Where the labor is cheap relative to the cost of the item, you will find lots of people opting to repair it.

Even if it was made 100% in the US, that is no indication that it is going to be a quality product. If that was the case, the Japanese and German imports would have had little market success. I’m more suspect of products that whose manufacturer advertises where the product was made more so than the qualities of said

Not really given that most of executive pay is stock based compensation thanks to a Clinton era law capping the amount of executive salary that can be expensed.

I don’t get all the Walmart hate. It’s not like Target, K-Mart, Shopko, or any other big box store is significantly different with respect to where their suppliers source the merchandise. You can find stuff made in the US there as well. One just needs to be mindful of looking at product labels. It is easier to do

I think the US is supposed to get the new Neon in MY2018. I test drove one in México. It seemed better than the Dart.

It sounds like he could use an ice cold Corona or two.

What could he be smuggling? Untaxed tobacco products, booze, pot, etc.

That could potentially be used for smuggling. Load the trunk up with contraband and the vehicle doesn’t sag due to the extra weight. Bootleggers used to install extra stiff springs and other mods in their cars to mask the fact they had a load of whiskey in the trunk. This may be a low tech attempt to do the same

The airlines also don’t care because a lot of their customers aren’t going to care either. I’d bet there were quite a few people on that plane thinking “I’m going to be late because of that jackass..” 

But it did choose him to get kicked off his next United flight.

They could have been real dicks and announced over the PA that the plane wasn’t moving until the passenger in seat X is removed. Then wait until the other passengers sort it out.

The likely figured that once the cops showed up, the passenger would get a clue and leave.

Even if those plants are in the US, they will still be impacted by tariffs on any imported components used in the manufacture of those vehicles.

Most of the instagram videos that I’ve seen show him going 35-40 mph.

I’m confused why the outfits weren’t liked by NASCAR fans. Because their navels were showing (and weren’t surrounded by several pounds of flab like the fans)?

Maybe we need to start posting illogical stuff on Twitter with little basis in reality?

Yes, his would be boss has the same separation issues.