I wonder if this has a window cranks instead of electric motors.
I wonder if this has a window cranks instead of electric motors.
I rented a Fiat 500 for a road trip once. I would never do it again or buy one. The seats were horrible and my legs were hurting after only 2 hours. The automatic transmission was flakey too.
Hahahahahaha! That’s awesome! The people I know that live in AR and work in TN are going to be so pissed off about that. 😄😄😄
Maybe it is the potential of having multiple standards for the US market that Ford was referring to? I’m sure they would not want to have cars that can only be sold to CARB states and cans that can only be sold to non-CARB states. They would probably like one North American or even world wide standard, but that…
ZZ Top’s La Grange always gets me driving faster than i should.
Good luck with that if all the places/activities that you enjoy are only populated with guys with no women in sight.
Working out and being in shape certainly helps out with looking attractive. However dating in the US is toxic. It seems much easier to meet women elsewhere. Even if one doesn’t get laid, it’s nice to being able to just talk to some gal instead of being ignored and treated like as if you were invisible.
She likely thought “he needed a baby” in his life because quite frankly, it’s a surefire way to use the court system to extort money from a guy. Unfortunately, the kid has more problems than she was willing to deal with, so she bailed and left him with the kid.
Online dating in the US is a fucking scam. The sites make you pay to “upgrade” for features that don’t really help and at times can be downright depressing. The profiles for average to good looking women are usually fake or fronts for prostitutes.
Your trip to Walmart just confirmed what the effects of alcohol and/or just settling for the last person they were able to go out with.
Why did you move back after your escape?
Then how in the hell is Congress going to write and debate the laws for said agenda if they don’t know what it is? He’s made a big show of signing executive orders that the various agencies may or may not be able to implement given that many of them had zero input on the matter. Being mr unpredictable may help land…
My warning still stands: get out now while you still have few things tying you down.
Of course, he needs Congress to write and pass the laws, but he can put forth his policy agenda and work with Congress to take it up just like every other President before him.
You poor, poor man. I certainly feel your pain. Another guy at work and I fell into that “we’ll move away once she’s done with school” trap and have been stuck in a helhole ever since. Please, for the love of all that is holy move before you have kids or at least before they start school so they don’t grow up and…
The characterization of northern México is overblown. My friends have read recent US State Dept travel warnings and laugh their asses off. One even said “Juárez is tranquil these days..we have only one or two murders a day like Chicago”. Not to mention there are a LOT of factories in the north. It’s closer to the…
The sad thing is we had #4 and it got eliminated in the mid 60s. IMHO, the entire Immigration Act of 1965 needs to be scrapped and replaced with a skills/investment based system like other developed nation states use.
It hurts them all, but I don’t know why Ford is being singled out. A member of the Ford family stick Trump’s head in a toilet at military school?
What happened to fiscal conservatism?
Yes, and it’s pretty much all on Federal land. Private and tribal land owners don’t want it. For some, they don’t want to have their property be cut in two. For others, it is a way to give the finger to the Feds. In other cases, the terrain is too rugged to be justified building anything. A wall will not be a…