
Not to mention that barriers already exist where they are feasible and where landowners have allowed construction. The Border Patrol is already replacing solid sections with something they can see through for better operational awareness. A wall would be an expensive step backwards in that regard and cause a host of

I didn’t either - I’ll have to empty, paint, and refurbish the inside of a house instead and see how far my car can get past 12 years.

The whole “imported from Detroit” marketing line wasn’t too bright either.

Sorry, but Trump is going to just make it worse. Increasing spending, not reforming the tax code, just cuts, and no plans for entitlement reform - which are the main drivers of debt. Buckle up because it’s going to get rough.

That was my experience with a Fiat 500 that I rented for a trip. It was 1800 miles of that nonsense while sitting in uncomfortable seats. I will never buy a vehicle with that stupid transmission.

They exist and are not unlike the antivaxxers in the US.

The one I drove seems like I think would be a worthy successor to the 2nd gen Neon, unlike the Dart. That seemed sluggish & bloated compared to a 2nd gen.

First of all, WTF is Big-L? If you were referring to Labor, I’d agree with you. What is killing the middle class in all these states has nothing to do with Walmart. It is the complacency and laziness with regards to education and work ethic. If these local industries can make a product that’s a good value, I’ll

In a vote, it’s like 43 vs 1, right?

Not necessarily. It’s the anti-science people in the EU that don’t like them.

None of this stuff is new. My dad was giving cattle these injections 30-35 years ago. There is a window of time when they can be given to feeder cattle. The sale barns and other places check for them and if you aren’t following the rules, you can face a ban.

I’ve driven a new Neon. Overall, it seems to be an improvement on the Dart and the 2nd gen. The view out the rear window is kinda limited and hopefully the US spec version of it has more horsepower.

It was rumored that they are planning on bringing in the 3rd gen Neon for 2018.

He will have retired by then.

The grey bars indicate when the US was in recession. As you can see, it hasn’t been continous since 2001. I agree that Federal spending is out of control, but politicians aren’t going to tackle the main driver which is mandatory entitlement spending.

That’s funny because a lot of the plastic items that I find in Walmart are made in the US....mainly in the housewares & hardware section. It’s also funny that Walmart was considered a great upstart that outmaneuvered the older competitors like Kmart & Sears with better customer service and supply chain

Not to mention that a lot of projects are unplanned and waiting for two day Prime shipping is not an option.

I never understood why people were cheering him on when he was telling them that their cost of living is going to go up “bigly”.

Lots of different people are worried that a recession around the corner and that was before Trump was elected. I have a feeling he will help make that a reality. 😕

No shit. When you have metro areas where about a third (or more) of the population is functionally illiterate, they are going to have a hard time finding employment.