
It doesn’t weaken the regime when they get 10% of every dollar brought into the country, are still in charge of approving what foreign businesses can do, hire, etc, as well as enforcing a maximum wage. Every “concession” that the Obama admin got from the Castro brothers has been ignored, just like they did with the

You mean like when the Dems had full control for Obama’s first two years?

Just like before.

Not to mention that they also declined to regulate any of the CDOs and other new financial instruments even though there was fraud occurring. They deferred to what Summers and Greenspan wanted to do, which wasn’t let Wall St sort it out. The Bush admin continued on with that policy.

Neither does México. Do they have stations where all the attendants are women?

In a “total war” situation, everyone is a target. Destroying civilian targets saps the morale and resources of the population that could otherwise be used for the war effort.

Or she is very serious about leg day at the gym.

Other than spending went up at a greater rate, two failed stimulus handouts, and the continued denial by Frank, Dodd, and others that there was anything wrong with the Federal backed mortgage companies. Of course the problem with the latter had been building for a long time:

She was probably photographed on a green background and then added to a photo of toy cars scattered about.

Whites make up about 77% of the US, so i have no idea where you get that idea.

College costs have skyrocketed because the Feds pick up too much of the tab either with grants or via guaranteed loans. There is little incentive for the colleges to keep costs in check. It’s similar to the situation with health care.

NO kidding. I had an older relative that used to work in a UAW plant. Whenever he came back home, his brothers would tease him for having a slack job and said that he should help out on one of their farms while he was there. His response: screw that! That’s hard work and I did enough of that for dad to last a

Then just imagine being a kid who had to do that sort of thing because Dad told him that’s what he was going to be doing that week.

Cook & others are also referring to skilled production workers. But they (China, Mexico, Germany, etc) also devote a significant portion of their educational system towards these types of jobs where many schools in the US don’t even offer shop class anymore. Many US firearms manufacturers have started their own

I test drove a new Dodge Neon a couple weeks ago and I noticed the difference between it and the 2nd generation. The rear window was a little smaller and the rear headrests are larger. The photo of the view out the back of the Maserati reminded me a lot of the view out the back of the 3rd gen Neon. Fortunately, the

He may be saying that too many people are going to college to get practically worthless degrees when they should be going to a vo-tech to learn some sort of skilled trade. Tim Cook and others have pointed out that the US doesn’t have the skilled workforce needed in order to bring back more manufacturing jobs without

They will do these “terrible jobs” if they pay is right or there is no other way for them to survive.

And for those that don’t care about styling, which one is the most useful & practical?

But they will be pissed when it becomes a boondoggle that has done nothing but waste money (at best) and doesn’t do anything to solve the problem. Escpecially since it will deprive other more worthy projects of funds.