And the question is whether or not closing off the rest will make much of a difference to justify the cost.
And the question is whether or not closing off the rest will make much of a difference to justify the cost.
A wall isn’t really going to do much anyway since fences have gone up where it has been feasible since the Clinton Admin. A lot of people come in through existing ports of entry and once they are past the DHS highway checkpoints, they are basically home free since the chances of being deported are practically zero…
It appears that you are correct. I guess Google News didn’t find the unscuttling as newsworthy as the prior event and I missed it. Thanks!
Another way to think of it is in terms of GDP. I think now it is between 3-4%. The “baseline” that NATO uses for being able to provide for a nation’s defense is 2%. Several NATO are spending below that and somehow it seems that Trump thinks they should be paying us that (or maybe buying our equipment). Several…
And if it does, it will be highly automated
I’ve heard that Ford’s employee compensation rate in México is around $8USD/hour. That includes wages, taxes, and benefits.
More people are moving back to México than are moving to the US anyway. It has been like that since 2007/2008.
FCA is targeting the ProMaster City for those roles and have already stopped selling the cargo version of the Caravan. People may still buy a regular one and take the time to remove the interior. Like someone else said, it’s and old platform that they probably don’t want to update when they have two newer ones that…
Those people are currently at a greater threat from existing criminals than they would be from the white supremacist types. If they don’t have a gun now, I don’t think the fear mongering by the press is going to change their minds.
FWIW, the Toro is based on the same platform as the ProMaster City, not the Renegade.
A VAT is different from a tariff since it applies to domestically produced items as well. That was one of Trump’s laughable claims from the second debate when he brought up México’s VAT as an example of something that hurts our exporters. No, it just drives up the cost for anyone who wants to buy just about anything…
Having driven by a new Hilux this morning, I can definitely say that it is NOT the size of a Colorado. It is noticeably smaller than the Colorado and the Tacoma.
I’ve never had that problem. Everything that I’ve owned has either been an old land barge, pickup, or econobox.
I was curious where you were going with this. The foreign automakers are typically non-union because it gives them the flexibility to run their operations in the most productive way possible w/o outside interference. The New York Times (or some other big east coast was a few years ago) ran a story about…
Given how many VW Beetles (the original aircooled ones) that you see, I have a feeling those Tsurus will be around for a long time as well.
Brown Subaru Outback with a manual?
The length or width is not what I’m referring to. It is the height. If you look at the photo, the hood of the C20 is at about that guy’s waist. The level of the top of the box and the hood on the Colorado are going to be about at his armpits. The perspective of the photo isn’t going to help, but a friend of mine…
And Hiluxes
They don’t know Spanish?
But the height and the increased frontal area along with the extra weight are key factors into why the fuel efficiency ratings of these vehicles haven’t improved that much even though the engines have improved drastically. I think had an article a few years ago that mentioned if the average weight of…