
If Victoria has any sense of smell, she probably got a whiff of that gunpowder residue. It would be hard to miss. It's a distinctive odor and clashes with other scents, such as fine cologne.

I also liked the wedding gown she wore for the photo shoot in Ep. 9.

…that she could use to explain things, like the photo of the dark-haired caterer taken at the Graysons' party. Oh, that wasn't I, that was my SIS-ter!

Do you think that apology/forgiveness line was Jack's admission that he has been holding onto his bitterness toward Em that he still has feelings for Emily? Confused.

And let us be chary of dropping big secrets on auspicious days such as weddings, christenings, funerals—even birthdays. I'm suspicious about it. Secrets have the power to ruin happiness. They can backfire, like this one did. Anyway, there's enough drama in the day without creating more. It just seemed

Victoria accused Emily of "targeting" her family, and the only reason she can think of is money. She is correct about the targeting, though. The photo—from the general POV—would create the question, "Why is Emily serving at the Graysons' party?" The fact that Em is rich makes this activity automatically

Yeah, I don't think we can blame Daniel's lack of character on drunkenness. Guy's missing a piece.

Wow, I didn't know that. I liked her character in Nashville, the way she was down-to-earth and breezy soft of chased Deacon's bugaboos away. Plus, she's great-looking.

That is a pretty cool Doggett story. See you in Season 9.

Thanks, AV Club. We've really been enjoying this discussion.

I liked the way they kept Krycek's character on the sidelines. That way, they could always use him as a wildcard, like the mythical bringer of chaos. Had they given us more background on Krycek, the appear/disappear thing would not have worked so well.

I can dig it.

Though I am a fan of the show since it first aired, I only came to this discussion during Season 8. Viewing the season as a standalone, the episodes were much better than I remembered them to be. I really got a chance to appreciate Robert Patrick's solid work as the earnest Doggett, and the bond they built between him

I see your point, @Tearinitup, and @Emma Knight I see your point, too. It wasn't the first time Ryan had punched some guy out, and I wanted him to feel the consequences; but I guess failing in his relationship with Amber and shipping himself back to Afghanistan were consequences enough.

Very cute. And they never do answer her question.

Good plan!

Me, too.

I'll be waiting.

Coulda shoulda. I don't fault her for that, given the pressures.

How about bringing cute teacher Ritter back for round three?