

"Daryl Jr. fancies himself the Man with the Plan, but his plans are transparent as wet tissue paper."


Hooray! Love the brothers.

Sad. I respect the show for giving Hot Rod a good death, though. He died in mid-story, with an old friend at his side and whiskey in his belly.

I agree with you and Alisdair that Roberts was inspired casting. As for his IMDB hits, he had the same volume of cameos and dogs in 2013, 2012, etc. I admire the guy for working the crumbs + occasional meatier roles—it's a living, (or a way to dig himself out of hock.) I get a little thrill seeing him turn up. Roberts

He breaks my heart, too. Such a wiseass, woebegone, world weary kid. I forget his age until he does something stupid like hide money in his underwear drawer.

I think Miller's trigger finger had a vendetta for the death of his old compadre, Hot Rod. RIP.

We knew Boyd would kill Old Man Swain on that country road. But it still left a bad feeling, esp. when the nurse placed further demands on Ava. That nurse is just some evil force.

Prison Nurse is tiresome with her "one more condition" line. Something bad will befall her, methinks. Ava will protect Holy Mother.

We didn't see Miller die. We just saw him bounce off the hood/windshield of a tow truck. But he's so full of booze, he'd probably bleed to death from a paper cut.

A new low for Boyd and Ava?

Is Roscoe dead for sure?

I've been critical of the mishandling, mickey mouse treatments and less-than-excellent future tech, but look forward to AH every week, loving Dorian's arc, and the quirky interaction between leads. Will be sorry if it doesn't get renewed.

Tennessean Dale Dickey is great as Judith. Surprised we haven't seen her on Justified until now.

Ghost's voice troubles me. So generic, almost pleasant in an irritating way, like a recording for airline or train reservations. Too much expression for a voice masker. I kept trying to figure the voice out.

Re Gillingham: Lol.

I like your comment, and I like Gillingham for similar reasons, even though I'm rooting for Blake.

I mostly agree, though I wouldn't call it a whim on Edith's part. She nursed her baby before giving her up, at which point it would have been like tearing her own arm off. I am more concerned for Edith's well-being than for that of the adoptive parents, who are only in our purview following Crawleys. I do agree it

Did they use the day counter throughout? I found it a little confusing when the counter was stuck on Day 4 and someone on the team—Reyes?—said Doggett had been missing for 12 days. Maybe they were still giving us a count, and I was ignoring it?