
Let's see a story of the guy camwhores of gaming. The guys who seem like they are soliciting on Grindr with lotsa skin, primping, and suggestive duck-face pictures. The fake dude geeks.

In the US, people who work at jobs considered to be tipped, the IRS assumes you get tipped and you have to pay taxes on this speculative income and if you don't, the IRS can come after you for this income they imagine you made. This makes tip splitting with management particularly evil. They do not have to pay taxes

I think you're blowing smoke up our asses....

Seriously? You think that people who pay $200 a meal deserve to get sick?

How do you think she got the virus? By your accounting, blaming people who don't wash hands, she got what she deserved. Huh? Why feel sorry for her and her cost of missing work? It's her own damn fault by your accounting.


André Leon Talle....FINALLY! We have had a famine of beaut-tay, a famine of beaut-tay! People are starving!!!

I get the compassion. But consider the other single parents she served and will miss some kid's event or give it to their kids so they miss something. Maybe the customers she served will give something to an immune compromised person...that girl's night out for your friend with cancer. There's a lot of sad stories,

Ewwww. Maybe that was not the response they were looking for for a multi-million dollar ad, because whatever they were selling in some shots, I was repelled and associate nausea with their product.

Because kids are still in their bubble, and it's worse these days that in school, no current events are allowed to be discussed, really, especially those having to do with feminism. They don't read current feminist authors either.

You guys! You may hit me for saying so, but I might be wrong but, this may make the feminists mad but, am I the only one, I must be the only one, but you may disagree with me, and this may be a stupid question, but, you know what I mean? Sorry if I sounded too...too....

You don't see many women struggling financially on TV or in movies. In fact, I can only think of a few with Roseanne being the most remembered, and then she fantasy-won the lottery.

I saw the title to this story and thought: you are shitting me.

Well, as women get beyond entry level or aspire to be something other than handmaiden, team mascot ("I'm one of the guyz" she sez jauntily!), project-manager-cookie-baker, then all of a sudden bias is there. But there is no reason why a woman shouldn't be in the core of power on a tech team, not holding the coats

Nice things about jobs: you can ultimately get another one. May take some time. Hey, just for grins...go work for their competitor.

I love how women like Sheryl are out and admit there is sexism instead of the model that Yahoo exec takes - that sexism is like the monsters your blankie over your eyes can keep from harming you - if you don't see them, they can't get you.

It's awesome that she thinks outside the box. You know, dress up and imagination is a chance to think outside the box. When boys or girls all want to be the same thing, it's like a group brain freeze. A lack of imagination. The princess thing gets to be an arms race if you're not careful and no one can remember when

The real dipstick is Halloween. What kind of imagination are girls allowed and allow themselves in being interesting characters? Is the only enjoyable thing to imagine is Bride, Princess, Fairy, Sexy whatever?

I believe there's a Monty Python song: "Every Sperm is Sacred" that tells the same comedic stand you take.

Actually the advice was to find out why you were rejected. The only people with that information are the people who rejected you. Anything else is imagination. Truly.