dogoon can always go online and find an older man to have sex with that will cheat on you and dominate and shame you besides for having a personality. It's not so hard to find that you have to distort yourself to find it and congratulate yourself for keeping a cheater that you never express an opinion around.

Yes, the Post's article points out she blew her money on her last book - with a 400,000 advance and no telling how much with options and royalties and is now close to bankruptcy.

* If an alpha male cheats, let him. "I would share him if I had to."

Someone has got to make a T-shirt: Star Trek: Now with 30% more lens flare!

Here it is: she does not have a leadership position. Did not have a leadership position. Does not want one. And believes that coaching someone to change their speech to sound more authoritative is potentially damaging.

Fantastic. I co-sign all of this except: "paradoxically chintzy, like a Syfy original"

Yeah, and I said that tone is the least of the baby voice problem. Your excuse is that you say you have a high toned voice. You say "my objective is to make my voice to sound lower." There are other more important factors.

You've spent about 500 words arguing that I say that authority is all about tone.

There's more to "baby voice" than being high pitched. In fact, it's mostly the affectations. It's the breathiness. The deference, sounding like you could not strongly have an opinion. The lack of clearly pronouncing the ends of your words or consonants. The weedle.

It does? I mean, you want to sound friendllllllyyyyy. People who don't uptalk sound really more responsiblllllllle? It makes you sound totally sure and confident?

You've spent a lot of words not to "... clutch my pearls too much about either issue."

Manipulating people in a non-power position, many times going to that "I'm totally non-harmful, fluffy, and recognizing your superiority" stance can work.

I'm with Kathy Griffin on the idea that any woman's "baby" voice is an affectation. Vocal fry is an affectation too. There are higher pitched women who are authorities, but they don't do the vocal fry or the "baby" voice. They also don't phrase opinions with a question tone - you know that thing where the end of the


Because women have this thing where they believe "with me, it'll be different." That other woman he had is not as fabulous as me. That other woman left him unsatisfied. That other woman is fat or old. That other woman just doesn't understand him....And so on. It's the same reason some women can't believe sexism at

Or... male douchey-ness.

"Meanwhile, men received a mere 23% accuracy trait because they chose the most conventionally attractive subjects as the cheaters, which turned out not to be the case. "

Carhartt Dog: Poops candy bars. Still love him. (Actual story from the link below)

Carhartt cat takes no shit. Now put your boots on and get in the truck.