I work in technology. I'm a woman. But I work as an engineer and now I'm in management. I'm the only woman hired for that in fifteen years where I work.
I work in technology. I'm a woman. But I work as an engineer and now I'm in management. I'm the only woman hired for that in fifteen years where I work.
Oh, sweetheart, you're back!
So we are to believe that flirting pays off for women...from a study where a hypothetical situation is 'splained to men of basically, would you rather be flirted with or not?
I think that OmegaVader and Cat Eyes are saying that you have to get out your calculator and do an analysis to determine if there is bullying in their eyes. I think they are proposing an algorithm or something.
Because I was curious, I did some unfunded research on the internets. In this case, it was two female authors to the study, oddly enough. One psychology professor, one graduate student. They posited that the difference in party appearance was due to DNA differences in the parties. Because psychologists are experts in…
Ok..so let me get this straight....the UC system and California and the US fed is having severe budget issues, and this study gets funded?
Actually, the Asian actress in the photo above is, at one time, made to be white-European at one point. People switch classes, races, and status during the movie. I think your comment is baiting anger that is on the level of a Fox news show. This movie is intended to be art. During the movie, there are people…
David Cross isn't funny. But he looks like her dad, so that is kind of funny.
Yeah, well, it's all fun and games until someone goes on social security and gets old. Unfortunately, there are women who don't think about this until they are still in their hot 40's and their husband is beyond 70 with a lot of health issues and Depends from prostate issues. Your friends are still out and about and…
Gloria Steinem and others say that there is a patriarchal drive in the world to control women and control reproduction. This is a culture war and also, can be a religious war. People like to think they can dance around it, but when a religion does not give women equal respect and equal rights as men and they get mixed…
I wonder what the headlines would be if David Cross married a 67 year old woman. Because that is Amber's future when she is David's age today.
Oh, my dear. She is disappointed. Actually, kudos to her. She should write more comedy. She plays the perfect hypocrite.
OmegaVader is really quite the punking funny slash here. You go girl. Seriously, are you in Second City? Because you write the best satire.
And yet here you are again. Isn't this striking a nerve with you?Let me guess, you have a desperate need to believe she is all natural because you sort of believe you favor her in looks and you got yours with additional natural pounds over the years. Is that why you are so angry?
Thanks for your dissertation.
Actually, the question was not about representing.
If a male star walked around exposing his chest - maybe like those men in the 70's with unbuttoned shirts or he always wore muscle shirts, even to fancy events - if he got questions about his chest or his always exposed arms, it would not be a surprise.