
Or..both partners care for the child. Gloria S was asked recently what younger feminists most needed to do. She said they need to go "wait a minute, why is this only my problem?"

Maybe you should have a plan then.

Don't you know you are making her argument for her?

There is a point to her argument. Afterall, wasn't there a study that showed that men in management with stay at home moms judged working women more harshly and were less likely to promote them?

They did this study with a small group of dads in the Philippines.

There are a couple of odd associations. First, so if you have an older dad then you can be an older dad. The "old" doesn't cause the older dad, though.

Again - just having girls study computer science and math is not going to solve the problem of gender bias. Just having women train themselves, earn higher degrees is not going to solve the problem.

This advice is not necessary true in the way they say it is. "Appealing to men" may mean you get hired for entry level, and you will be the gal everyone likes, but you are not promoted because you are seen as girl eye candy. You can get put into that pretty helpmate category you will find hard to get out of and a

having lived in several states in the last twenty years, all the city governments I've seen have been majority republican. So I don't know where you get your info.

Actually, it is the other way around. Cities are predominately businesses and they offer huge tax abatements to businesses. The only tax paying entities, besides mom and pops, are the parking structures. The schools beg for money in the cities because their tax base to population is low, while the kids going there

not many people have an employment history at 18 and even so, that history is probably for a mcjob.

I hope that the very idea that all we need to do is to get more girls to study tech is killed off.

Gee, and yaz keeps coming back. I must of hit a nerve.

Maybe you've never been "debunked." Seriously? You're retort is to "calm the fuck down?" Gee, you're like the Southern Baptist husband I never had.

Well you're wrong. It was suggested the writers were trolls, not proven and Slate never retracted the story.

There is always a danger in being closed minded. However, there is also a danger in the non-judgey-but-judgey-about-judgment of a woman's decisions.

This is like woman-hating bingo. #1 Play on women's fear they are nothing without a man #2 Play on women's fear that they are only valuable in the world for about 15 years #3 Believe women don't really believe sex is all that important. And the big one for 2012: #4 Play on women's competition with their befuddled

I loves me some comedy, but seriously...don't anyone read this and make the argument: "you're never ready to have a kid, so just git pregnant any ol' time." I don't think the writer here is making that argument, but you don't go there.

I loves me some comedy, but seriously...don't anyone read this and make the argument: "you're never ready to have a kid, so just git pregnant any ol' time." I don't think the writer here is making that argument, but you don't go there.