What about: the civil right for a woman to decide if her body will be pregnant or not?
What about: the civil right for a woman to decide if her body will be pregnant or not?
The preciousness of insisting on being called "Ambassador" is too much. It's like Palin insisting on being called "Governor." Geeze. That says it all. Her sister must be turning.
You ought to see what these Catholic Health care hospitals and orgs are paying their CEOs.
Really. I think a congressional investigation is in order.
Wait a minute..I've got this one. It was a question in my Google interview. They love imaginary math problems. To answer your question, I have to have the correct inputs for my algorithm:
Handel is now free to be Mitt's VP running mate. The Assclown and Asshat ticket.
Yep, you got it.
Asshat. She did this as a stunt to revive her career. Komen gave her a platform because her being an asshat on her own, pronouncing from the Georgian wilderness such womenz hating crap as women should not have the right to decide whether their bodies will be pregnant or not would be so much ignored hot air. Doing this…
Appearance, especially for women, is VERY important at Google. The only women I know who work at Google who are not super slim and into a hip look are 1.) like two or three women software engineers who were hired entry level right out of college 2.) a couple of nonwhite women in marketing who ...if you are nonwhite…
Oh, SNL...you used to be funny and have some courage. You can't even mention that Ms. Simpson was the worst act ever.
Why hasn't Komen fired anyone? Because no washed up politician would let go of a teat before lining up another gig. Also, it would be so awkward for Brinker to see these people after at the fat cat parties.
Yeah, when Sandberg makes a Kennedy look humble and pious, that is incredible.
Most large technology companies get an exemption from the federal government so they don't have to report gender, race, and age of their hires to the public. This is because of some "trade secret" bullshit.
Here's got to be the most infuriating thing to Ms. Brinker and any of the head of the affiliates, Handel used them. Handel wrote a check on Komen's reputation and Komen's reputation is ruined. However, Ms. Handel will still get paid and her sensationalism is the equivalent to a starlet taking her top off to the…
I took it as a sarcasm, not a personal jab to people without a college degree. I think the jab is that Handel said health care should be earned. While Handel appears to not have earned even her own job, by way of education. Certainly it is clear that she didn't earn it by way of vast great works in the area of public…
Donate money to another organization explaining you looked into the organization and they don't rate highly for actual donations versus actual contributions to research - less than a quarter in their case. You'd rather give money to a better track record. It should be about the cause, not the "merit badge" for his…
done and done.
"Additionally, we began an initiative to further strengthen our grants program to be even more outcomes-driven and to allow for even greater investments in programs that directly serve women." blah, blah, blah....is that why less than a quarter on a dollar to Komen actually reaches research or women????
It creeps me out when people say that hairless is "clean." Like "with hair" is dirty. Like for a woman's body to be natural in her most intimate area is "icky" and "wrong."