
I think shadowing a ship would be somewhat challenging for amateurs. It would take a lot of practice, and building that sophisticated of a sub is going to cause some talk which we would likely pick up on. Even these jungle subs aren’t hard to find regular journalists seem to do so with relative ease.

If you watch that documentary about the cia raising the Russian sub, I forget what it called, they detected a Russian sub hitting the seafloor in the middle of the Pacific. In the 50’s or 60’s... I’d wager it’s easier in a surface ship just because you are a needle in a haystack. Coming in under the surface would

No it won’t. Market abhors a vacuum. Google some numbers on cost to produce and annual imports, this won’t register at all.

and I'll add what you did there is exactly how the cia weaseled out of accountability. They simply denied a claim that was never made, that they were profiting off of the drug trade. The funds went to buy weapons for the the contra’s and while in many cases the cia never touched the drugs (they of course did in fact

That from the hitz report, the report that verified that the cia was providing significant monetary and operational support to to drug trafficking cartels (for some pretty dubious aims). There’s more, that’s literally a drop in the bucket, and considering we are talking about the cia here, likely only what they

“The report stated that the CIA had requested the Justice Department return $36,800 to a member of the Meneses drug ring, which had been seized by DEA agents in the Frogman raid in San Francisco. The CIA’s Inspector General said the Agency wanted the money returned “to protect an operational equity, i.e., a Contra

It isn’t going to effect the availability, amount consumed, or price of cocaine in any way, but it will lead to an increase of violence.

Same reason you’d report the street value of the shipment rather than it’s rather mundane actual value to the cartel shipping it.

They value it at street price this isn’t in the ballpark of 250m worth of coke in the source country or transit. That’s a headline making number and lol it worked.

while you have Google fired up you should probably look up the Rumsfeld doctrine. You don’t sound like you have a clue about your parties handling of the military.

That’s my point though, hacking is business as usual, and you are quite used to it and cannot trust your os manufacturer. When it comes to security you do not announce a breach until you can do something about it for obvious reasons. You think a bank would email their customers to let them know the vault won’t lock?

I’m not an old man, but even if I get a car capable of it, I’ll still own big stinky gas guzzling hot rods, and retarded Franken giggle machines till I die and will always prefer them. I doubt I am alone so future you can get off our future space lawns.

I’m sure it can, but the ability to decide when it should is probably questionable. Not dangerous or anything, but how would it know when that’s the fastest way to get through traffic? And if it’s programmed to stay in the left lane, fuck these robots.

Welcome to the digital age of cars. The hackers targeted this particular system, but it very well could have been any vehicle that uses a remote connection, which will be the norm. Is there such a thing as an impervious computer? Hackers can ruin your life financially with whatever you typed this on, are you up in

Maybe having remote diagnostics is a bad idea which is the only reason I can think of to have these systems connected to the CAN, but isn’t that what everyone wants? If that’s the case this isn’t a preventable issue, you can only react to the security threats. They handled this the exact same way a company like

Yeah debugging to be able to send errant signals from sensors takes dedicated enthusiasts months or years, and I doubt the hackers had that kind of knowledge, it wasn’t an issue yet. As far as safety goes, they maybe could grenade your engine Fucking with the fuel maps, I dunno fuck with the throttle tip in? It’s an

You are completely delusional if you think your life up until now hasn’t effected someone’s life in irreversible and horrible ways with even the best of intentions and the greatest care paid to responsibility to others. If you’ve eaten a damn banana you’ve supported a regime that ripped the tits off nuns hung them

Your right it’s carried a bit too far and has become pretty boring. The self loathing was amusing at first but now it’s just pathetic, and I didn’t catch on at first that I was talking to a teenager so at this point I just feel kinda bad about it. Have fun kid.

Say it loud and often so we all know you are the straightest straight guy there ever was. If you move out of your mom’s basement its going to be a whole lot easier to hide it.

I don’t give a fuck about being PC. It’s just easy to see through your bullshit chest thumping false bravado. It’s not a backbone keeping you up straight, it’s a dildo.