
If you want to keep your repressed sexual urges under wraps you should probably stop running your mouth on the internet. Nobody cares about your personal problems jackass. This isn’t about being PC, it’s about the fact you are an asshole. If you are fine with that what the fuck are you doing joining a community you

paying is really cool of you. The biggest pet peeve I have is when they want me to fix the one broken thing on a car or truck they haven’t maintained in 10 yrs. If you have a spark issue and you don’t want me replacing the wires and plugs and instead exhaustively testing everything to find what died I’m out. This also

So you can at least admit the drama queen comment was spot on then right?

Getting high would make your shitfit even more amusing. Go watch some NASCAR knuckle dragger.

“Who did she sleep with to get this job” over a pic of a different car, on a blog. Bitching about journalistic integrity on short blurb with a link to a story, again, on a blog. Yeah you are most definitely a drama queen.

It is super easy, (pelican parts is awesome by the way, for parts and advice), and the valve covers are held on with a clip so It’s the easiest car I know of to do it on. But yeah I’m just saying it won’t go over well here. As far as engines go they are dead simple and troubleshooting and maintenance is generally fast

Oh! An edgey drama queen.


If you are worried about things like gas mileage or $4000 repairs and you buy this car, you are going to be broke one way or the other, might as well get a good ride out of your stupidity. It’ll all be part of the bankruptcy anyways, so clean slate it and no worries, you shouldn’t have credit anyways.

Judging by the comments here, everyone would shit themselves when they learn the valves need to be adjusted every time you change your oil, or 10,000 miles max. And because no one here on this car enthusiasts forum wants to turn wrenches thing like timing, dwell, and valve adjustments on a regular basis are crazy

Is this a PSA site now? Drunk driving accidents, inattentive drivers, cell phones, etc.. Is this the type of reporting you need or enjoy? Watch your local news you’ll get some more tonight. This is pretty tastless bullshit. Look at these bodies, please judge below.. articles like this don’t Fucking help anymore than

The guy above you might, I’m guessing it’ll involve cloud seeding.

I’d love to see the reaction at a dealership if you asked to have a new car inspected by an independent mechanic before you buy it. Would probably catch a lot of lemons though.

There’s a much better one up right now for 2k, 5000 since rebuild and new clutch, restored seats. Not that this would be hard to fix, but there are better examples in the ballpark of $2k.

My grandfather had a 14 model T. He got it because it’s the one that broke his arm when he was a kid. Fuck crankstarting cars. One good backfire and your fucked. Now we all have scars. Eventually everyone had been popped once or twice and nobody would start it anymore. I get the fear just thinking about it.

If it’s laser guided you can drop at intervals and fire the laser at each point after impact of the preceding one and it’ll alter the impact of the next. I have no idea if that’s what’s going on here.

I hadn’t got around to figuring out what was going on with mine, but your post helped me check that off the list. So I have fluid running through my steering column in my 40 yr old car, what could go wrong lol.

Why the fuck isn’t it always this way? I’m kinda mad I know that now because from now on this is going to piss me off every time I do my brakes.

Those look like the ones on the 914, but I thought all 914’s front ends were from bugs anyways. Is it the other way around after 73, the bugs got the 914 front end?

I didn’t imply that. He wasn’t even an outspoken republican in office. And in the public sector, which is probably when the change happened to fire breathing neocon, he wasn’t in the public eye. I’m not saying the change happened when he took office, it clearly happened before that.