
Not sure how common this is, but a friend bought one new and had two turbo failures in a year. Replaced under warranty with engine, but the second time they discovered the turbo’s serial numbers didn’t match their records, and they never figured out where it came from. She sold it immediately after getting it back the

Not only that it’s easily a million+ dollar bridge, how many accidents can it withstand?

Yeah that’s the setup. The one I saw looked like it was strung with cable and had yellow reflective netting to keep the bells from swinging.

That’s pretty cool. As a bonus it’s inevitable a convertable is gonna be nailed by it eventually.

What if there is wind, would it blow the smoke screen away?

I was in a small town in Texas a couple months ago that had a pretty genius solution. They hung cowbells across the street a couple hundred yards before the bridge. If you ding the bell you won’t make it. Basically, needs more cowbell.

If he goes straight and continues to build speed he’s fucked. If you hit gas and brakes it’s very hard to spin and he doesn’t have anywhere to slow down. It’s not that you want to, it’s that it’s the least likely to kill you. It actually looks like braking once the throttle pegged straightened him out, but on first

And why no 4wd rsx golf/subarau competitor? They had plenty of options in their lineup to make it work almost completely off the shelf.

It’s not, the front isn’t damaged. Yes the front right hit first almost parallel, head on implies an almost square frontal collision. Watch the video. And how does that imply I don’t give a Shit? It was a question you decided to ridicule, and our basic definitions are so far off what’s the point of arguing the details?

Your defintion of head on is so different than mine this debate isn’t worth having, only the right side of the car is damaged though.

It wasn’t head on, and with your throttle stuck open it’s that or continue to build speed. His throttle appears to have stuck mid corner so spinning it was out of the question and throttle+ brake is going to pop his car head first into the wall. I don’t know what happened, though that’s why I asked. But either way it

Well a race team would be pretty cool too, but I just meant the lines of that car would make a pretty sexy street car and it looks like the zonda could have been inspired by it. The rear especially. The zonda has much sharper lines but smoothed like this one it would have looked better. I’m sure it would be more

Looking at that pagani needs to make a zonda successor with cleaner lines.

Did he intentionally put it in the wall? Well played if so, that next turn could have been very ugly.

Hit up auctions. The first hint of a problem people head online realise they don’t really know what they have got themselves into and dump it. My “needs a rebuild” rx8 had the injectors installed wrong. It cost me zero dollars, and the car was a quarter of blue book value. Hunt auctions and wait for a frustrated

It’s not hate, it’s the truth. They are great cars for the right kind of owner, if you look at it as an investment or a good value you will be disappointed. If you can’t turn a wrench, well... it’s gonna hurt really bad. Mechanics fuck them up all the time, hell Mazda fucks them up, and their own engineers still don’t

The best thing about owning a rotory in Texas.. “It’s a 1.3? What?” Looks at me like I’ve put a badge on there just to fuck with them.

Nonsense, we live in trying times.

What the hell is a sound tube? If a mechanic ever tells me I need a new sound tube he’s gonna lose the one in his neck.

the battlefields are littered with weapons. The houses and whatnot around them have some nice surprises too. There is a ton of money just lying on the ground.