
Every time I try and watch one of these the audio is always wildly out of sync with the video. I’m on a phone and I use chrome, any suggestions?

Just a guess, but it’s probably faster to keep the speed and give up on the late apex to maintain downforce. Cars that rely on aero take that line, but I have no idea how much downforce this car is capable of.

Which kinda looks like a Mercedes from 10 yrs earlier.

Accusations like that can open you up to lawsuits though, and Bentley wouldn’t have a leg to stand on saying the continental was copied.

You can find the same rear on a dodge Chrysler or Chevy.

You have to promise and hopefully deliver? Integrity isn’t your strong suit kid.

I get what you are saying but this race is basically a no pressure at your own risk race. The track can’t be changed it can only be shutdown. This track could kill you at 30mph so slowing you down isn’t going to do much so there is really nothing that can be done. On a motorcycle cruising on this street in everyday

The difference of course is that in f1 the drivers asked for change.

It isn’t about what you want, if the people that race want change I think everyone here would support them. We don’t have any right to fix things for them because we wouldn’t do it, and we think we know better than them what risks they should be taking. It’s selfish.

It averages 2 a year but spectator deaths are not really tracked. It’s estimated about 2 a year as well.

So in summary, he had to lie to sell anything, and when people figured out he lied it’s really just everybody else that let him down, but it doesn’t matter anyway because he’s the best.

It’s as safe as it can be that’s all you can do, people are still gonna die. There is no way around that. People die grooming your slopes, installing your internet, building homes, it’s all dangerous there is no reason to cower in fear, itll happen to both of us more than likely doing something terribly mundane and


And what about industrial jobs? I worked half my life for next to no pay and hated it, and every day I put on my fireproof suit I knew I may not come home, and not everybody I know did. And what was that for? Is keeping the lights on worth it or should everybody quit? Seems to me you are being a bit romantic as well.

You’ll get your chance to forum warrior this Shit I’m sure. Maybe you can put off questioning his life decisions till another day.

Do you realise what your fucking comment implies? Is this really the fucking conversation that needs to happen right now?

He said most commercial airlines, which isn’t very useful. Kinda need to know what this specific plane can do at whatever weight it was at before jumping to conclusions.

The pass made at 0.55 you can clearly hear the turbo.

I haven’t looked at the proposals but they can generate electricity from vibrations you wouldn’t notice at all. They don’t even need to be under the road, attached to whiskers they would vibrate constantly from the wind and cars passing by.

True, but now high traction glass is a thing. I don’t know what it’s practical value is, but a disco garage is bound to be made out of this stuff, so well worth it in my opinion.