
I really like mazdas driver centric philosophy, like making the car feel like it pivots around you etc, so I get what you are saying. But part of me feels like if any other car went backwards in almost every measurable aspect but feel, which is highly subjective, and then claimed it was a better car, if not the best

It isn’t the size of the car, it’s that it’s a convertable. A vanity option on most cars. It’s something sports cars have to engineer around. Small is fine, convertable is fine, small convertable is “that’s adorable”. Porsche figured it out with the Cayman, I’d wager Mazda will too now that there is no rx-8.

Adjustable end links are less than $100. Body roll is a non issue and I’d want to tune it myself anyways if it’s going on a track or a canyon run, but I don’t want to drive around like that if I don’t have to. It isn’t fun. Puttering around town body roll that doesn’t detract from performance is where the fun is.

Either the glue that makes German cars smell like melted crayons, or hooker blood.

Just a snarky comment. But to be fair I’ll take speeding supercars over the texting, chatting, drunk, unregistered car driving assholes that make a mockery of driving safety on a daily basis. And on the autbahn it isn’t reckless endangerment.

I wish you were filthy rich.

It’s been thoroughly proven that speeding tickets are the corruption.

A convertable jag goes for about half this much, not as pretty, but close enough for half the price.

I’ve seen two of these being filled up on the side of the road because the owner ran out of gas. Based on what I’ve seen not having a manual option would be justified.

The outermost lights are drunk and they need to go home. Me and my friends call that “Frank eyed” because when Frank makes that face, it’s time to call a cab.

No offense but we won’t pay for it because we can accept extreme weather as fact of life. We do what we can, but if your looking for something cozy and safe Texas isn’t going to work for you. The engineers do a good job here and Houston in particular is very forward thinking about it and doesn’t skimp on funding it.

We have also had a pretty large influx of out of state people moving in, I imagine a lot of people simply don’t know what to do in this situation. Everybody knows Allen parkway will submerge a vehicle in pretty much any real storm before the pumps will kick in, and every damn time there’s a merc a bmw and a random suv

They just found an suv under one of the bridges on Allen pkwy, it had a snorkel... It would have been in about 20ft of water.

I live in Houston and I’d wager we have the most extensive drainage/bayou/levee/reservoir system in the US. The problem isn’t the amount it is the rate it falls. Usually around 5 inches or so an hour and manhole covers start popping off and the gutters are shooting water out. It just can’t drain fast enough. There is

Ha! It’s the internet you never know. Well played. #saynotomesh

Do you have a source on that? Modern cars need barely any opening at all, and blocking reduces drag and keeps the engine at a proper temp. A full open grill will make your car run too cold and significantly reduce engine life. If it’s hiding structural support it makes more sense, but it doesn’t seem like that adds a

Even the simulator was a money pit.

If it an issue with heat/leaning out, piggyback the ecu and run it dirty. It only has to run clean one day a year. You may give up a little power and fuel economy, but most people wouldn’t even notice.

This isn’t a car you should expect a return on your investment in any scenario. I’d buy it just to play Ferrari technician. I’m also stupid and own a rotory, so although it’s more expensive, it would be less work than what I’m currently dealing with. If I had the money this would be my downfall for sure.

Stand before the Volvo, and you shall be judged!