
What love will do!

That is tiny! The ears are throwing me. What about a Chi-Yorkie? That top one looks it has some Jack Russell in it maybe. I love your dog.

If you want a purebred dog, by all means go for it. Get it from a reputable place breeder, shelter, rescue. Understand that all those years of selective breeding create traits that are (or should be) pretty well fixed. A Husky wants to run, a Beagle likes to hunt and sniff, and a Border Collie likes to herd. Don't get


Great name!

Is there such a thing as a Corki? Like a Corgi and a Yorkie?? AFREAKINGDORABLE!!!! May I share on Twitter (I don't have a lot of followers, but she's so cute)?

I think it is very interesting to look at information on the COI. The blog writer I have quoted below has 2 PB dogs, one of which she is going to show, and is a supporter of the healthy purebred dogs.

This is what I just mentioned up thread, that many dogs who are purchased and living in homes could not pass a shelter eval. Lots of time what looks like abuse is actually poor temperament/genetics. Congrats on the Malamonster!

People should buy from breeders. People should buy from breeders who treat their dogs in a way that they believe dogs should be treated. People should buy from breeders who understand the health issues, and temperament issues in the breed that they are breeding. Since breeding a dog is some pretty complicated genetic

It's fascinating in a wow, "look what people can do" but also super frightening. I can not like someone criticizing me, but never do I have the right to do this.

I've spent some time reading up on this but am not completely up to speed (it's like gamergate for goodreads!) and I think I read the actual review that set her off and it wasn't that bad? Or did I read an excerpt/edit? I don't remember it being so harsh. Even if it was, dang, this is so over the top.

Excellent. I can do this immediately. I MUST do this immediately.

Drooling. Like, I may need a spit bucket.