There is never any reason to pre-order a video game.
I’d leave a snarky comment, but it would take too much time to think one up and I’d rather go back to playing the demo. Because DAMN this is fun.
I've always disliked Melee for two reasons.
So people were more excited to see Fox vs. Fox matches ad nauseum than a more diverse finals consisting of Olimar, Rosalina, Sonic, and Diddy? Mind boggling.
Garrus Vakarian would like to have a word with you.
Well, that's it. Close it down everyone, that's as good as it's gonna get.
Fuck gaters.
Yeah, how anyone figures Depression Quest (which again, no one reviewed) is a bigger deal than say, Jeff Gerstmann losing his job at Gamespot over Kane and Lynch is beyond me.
Yes, "Gamergate", where somehow, a perceived conflict of interest in gaming journalism means that gaming journalists aren't allowed to practice journalism and report on a developer getting doxxed and subsequently receiving legitimately terrifying death threats.
'I want a system where the VR score reflects my actual skill level, and thus will naturally plateu at some point to reflect my current skill level, rather than one that just increases my VR score forever the more I play!'
*Nintendo implements this request*
'You've ruined it Nintendo, I'm now unable to increase my score…
So basically, people who are mad that the score is now based on skill are afraid to race because they don't want their scores to be lowered to reflect their actual skill?
I figure Epic stole God's desktop.
More like "Nintendo fans don't buy bargain basement ports and expect quality from the games they purchase."
Can't wait to see what they say when Watch Dogs comes out on the Wii U 6+ months after the hype has already died and it doesn't sell at all.