
So true. I had a similar sensation when I had cancer a couple of years back. For the longest time, the doctors couldn’t diagnose what was wrong with me. On top of that, I had professional obligations that I had to handle even though I felt like shit.

What I found most unhelpful were people chiming in with advice, or

When you’re driving around on the street, people may admire your car, but they probably aren’t going to go nuts and track you down at home. But when you publicly flaunt your vehicle on the internet it could be a different story, there are a lot of crazies on the interwebs. People could decide to come to your house,

People can track you down through the minutest bit of data they can get on you, why hand people any more than you have to? To see your license plate, one has to be physically there, right next to you (well, behind you). That is not easy to do. And just because 100s of people have a certain piece of information about

The original comment mentioned the inside of a person’s home.

Less than two minutes of googling brought me to this: . The video seems to be filmed in Berlin, one of their developments is in Berlin and some of the pictures I found online look pretty much like the same setting. It’s not like there are tons of lofts with car-elevators in Berlin.

He naively said on a car site that routinely tracks down vehicles used in unsolved crimes through the sparest of evidence.

The pixellated license plate is the only thing that keeps me from stalking that 911.

I am with you on this. I see vehicles for sale on every platform on the internet with (name ridiculous item) placed to block the tag. Every day we are all passed by thousands of license plates, criminals are passed by that same number. What is the point in covering it online

It would be much harder to figure out where someone lives based on an interior photo.

Torque at the wheels, to be specific, but that’s a product of the horsepower from the engine and the gearing ratio.

Anyone who remembers high school chemistry can tell you that. Bases dissolve fats. Bases mixed with acids will react with the acid and form water and a salt. Baking soda and vinegar produces water, carbon dioxide and sodium acetate which does NOTHING to clean anything. Well the water might help, but that’s it