
"Who do some of you people think you are to decide what type of job the head of household is "supposed" to hold in an economy where over half of recent graduates are working hourly jobs?"

No, it was not sarcasm. I've no doubt that Apple prices are high for a lot of reasons. If the pay scale for retail jobs in Apple stores are this high everywhere, I would have no problem believing that it is part of the many reasons for the high prices.

$14/hr? For a part timer?!? Wow. No wonder apple products are so expensive. Hope this guy gets a pay cut instead.

I totally missed the last sentence of your first comment. Doh! LOL

I don't think they are actually trying to prove or fight anybody. Instead, it seems they are nothing more than bored losers who have nothing better to do with their lives than cause grief for everybody else.

Not surprised. I use netflix on my ps3 way more than I play games on it.

yeah, I was being sarcastic. Or, at least trying to be.

As a former android user, I hope this is true. On the other hand, a little part of me hopes it's not true since your information comes from John Gruber. Not really though, because I like getting new innovative (?) features for my iphone.

"It looks bulky as hell though."

Obviously I picked the wrong time to go on a diet.

One of the things I was dreading with switching to iphone from android was having to say goodbye to Amazon. While I knew that I could still use it, I figured it would be a pain to do so. Thankfully, it is not. Purchase mp3 from Amazon, automatically added to cloud drive, automatically synced to itunes, and

I think it's probably more timing than anything else. Let's see how it looks after the next new iphone launch. I recently switched to iphone on verizon after happily using Android for over a year, and I have to admit that I'm very impressed with it... especially the signal strength, battery life, and call quality.

"What makes me angry is when groups like the LGBT go around bickering about their lives being hard. "

No big deal... for me anyway. I am perfectly content with the new Amazon service. To hell with Google, Microsoft, or Apple. Where do I sign up for Amazon fanboy status?

I fear the day when ANY brand takes over the world. A healthy choice of different options is always best.

Most of the cool apps I have found come from occasionally browsing the 'post your android screens' threads found on just about any of the Android fansites.

Unfortunately not. Weird, eh? Hopefully they add the feature one of these days. I can't imagine why they haven't already.

sweet! looks a lot like the windows app now. Evernote has been a godsend for me at work, and has also been my main justification for having a smartphone.

Some of the screen capture apps in the market will work on non-rooted phones (do a market search for 'screen capture' or 'screenshot'). I've read that some of them work on the Evo, in particular. I can tell you that absolutely none of them work on the Incredible though. So, I guess your mileage will vary depending

It's Clockr Evolution. You have to enable the date in options.