
nice. what launcher are you using?

Actually, I think this is a pretty cool topic and I'm glad Matt posted it. It gives all the Android users an excuse to post their home screen pictures so we can compare and see what cool stuff people are using on their phones. I'm constantly fiddling with how my phone looks and behaves, and I usually get my ideas

You don't have to be rooted for screenshots, though it is easier if you are. I'm not rooted either, but can take screenshots while phone is tethered to laptop. Google 'how to take screenshots in android' for instructions.

Center home screen...simple and to the point. I don't use icons on my screens. just widgets, toolbar at the bottom, and gesture actions.

I think you're missing the point. The screens above look the way they do because the phone owner(s) wanted it to look that way. Choice is nice when you get used to the idea.

Apple has painted itself in a corner. I think it's great that they sort through apps, and reject as needed for security or stability issues. Getting into the business of policing morality is quite another thing though. No matter what they do, they will always be the bad guy.

Now playing

Sorry... I just couldn't help myself. It just had to be done. :-)

Petty lawsuits don't mean dick to me. Gotta say I'm looking forward to seeing the Amazon Appstore though. I'm hopefully optimistic that it will be an improvement over the train wreck that is the Android Market.

Meh. Put AT&T and T-Mobile together, and there's still no coverage in my area.

Bush has been out of office for quite awhile now. How about you just let it go already, and join the rest of us in 2011?

Considering the points you are trying to make, it seems like it would probably be a good idea for you to proof read your comments before clicking that 'submit' button. There's at least two comments from you in this thread that make absolutely no sense as written. I am usually not the type to point out

just in time for WP8.

god, I love those guys. Gonna have to find my copy of Hot Fuzz so I can watch it again.

it's always a shame to see perfectly good cheetos go to waste.

I used to have a BB, and have to say they are not all bad. The battery life is much better than with other smartphones. They also have superior reception in low signal areas where other phones on the same carrier have no signal at all.

My guess is that the Japan situation is going to cause supply issues with MANY different products on the market.

@Dezerus Richardson: That's pretty much how I view tablets right now. If I had the extra money just laying around, I would probably pick one of these up just to have as a nifty coffee table toy. I guess it would make a good laptop/desktop alternative though for people who only use their computers for email and web

Well, apparently it all depends on how you look. You probably won't like it if you're one of those dreaded neckbeard folks. However, it will probably be right up your alley if you are a pasty skinned ginger geek.