
At first, I was thinking 'Ah shit, yet another TSA article.' Pleasantly surprised after reading it. Nice rant Rosa. With all of the recent TSA topics that basically cover the same angle, it is nice to see a slightly different perspective.

Looks interesting, and sounds interesting too if it truly is a dual core. Might be interested in this if it turns up on Verizon in the next few months. That is, unless it has that stupid looking bump on the back like the Droid X.

I really have to wonder how many of you who are complaining about all of this are the same ones who complained after the 9/11 attacks that the government didn't do enough to protect us. don't get me wrong ... I think they are going a bit overboard with the pat down searches. I don't see a problem with the body

I don't remember Win 1.0. The earliest I remember is 3.1. I stuck with DOS and DOS Shell until 95 came out.

@chefgon: Very true. There's no telling how much money I could have already spent buying apps if I could actually find what I'm looking for. I must have missed that particular android fanboy blog article that puts android use above iOS. I have read news articles that say Android phones have recently started outselling iphone, but the amount of iOS users as a whole is much higher. Is this incorrect?

@RawlsRorty: "There are far fewer paid apps on Android; and when a paid app exists on both platforms, it makes Orders of magnitude more money on iOS than on Android."

I'm not sure where the notion comes that android users are not willing to pay for apps, since there are many popular paid apps in the market. PowerAmp and Palmary Weather are a couple of recent examples. Launcher Pro is another good example of a very successful paid app, even though Gruber seems to discount it as

@s2welee: A few new android phones have low end hardware, which is a very good reason why all new android phones cannot run everything in the market.

As mentioned in your last paragraph, there is no difference in this versus PCs. Just as I wouldn't expect to be able to play the latest games on a low end PC, I also wouldn't expect that I should be able to run any app on a low end phone. I just don't see this as a problem like you do.

Is it really a contest? I think that it's quite possible for two companies to release competing products and both be successful.

Meh. Am I the only android user who really doesn't care whether or not I get the opportunity to watch Netflix movies on my 3.7" phone screen? Besides, aren't there several other Netflix alternatives available? Maybe I just don't get it... please explain, if that's the case.

@vinod1978: The article from the link you provided doesn't say that fast food is addictive. It says there is 'evidence to suggest' that foods with high fat and sugar can create an over dependence in some people. The article also states that many scientists don't agree with the addiction theory.

Happy Meals always had shitty toys when I was a kid. I doubt much has changed since then. Also, I don't remember ever asking for a Happy Meal during the rare times that my parents took us to McDonalds. I think they just ordered it for me because it was easier than asking me what I wanted.

@starbuck13: A San Francisco politician even. That's almost coronary worthy.

@cassiebearRAWR: Interesting article. Thanks for posting the link.

I already gave up Facebook several months ago. I really doubt I could be swayed to use their crappy mail service.

@CPD: I didn't exactly say that Giz is in Apple's pocket. It's obvious they favor Apple products though, just by reading all of the topics they post on a daily basis. Also, the way they blanket the site with up to minute updates when Apple makes an announcement, but not when other tech companies do. Not that

@vein11: Agreed. Not really a surprise though, considering this is Gizmodo. I've pretty much learned to take their reviews with a grain of salt, and look elsewhere for real reviews.

The most shocking thing I find with this article is that people actually use Pageonce. Wow.