
I've been using the beta version of this for awhile, and totally agree that it's much better than the previous version. Glad they finally introduced offline viewing. I don't always get good signal at work, and offline viewing is a life saver.

I can't even remember the last time I ate at Mcdonald's. Gotta admit they make a pretty decent hamburger though. I never kept one around long enough to see if it would rot.

Hasn't this bug been around for quite awhile? Seems like I remember hearing about this the last time the time changed.

@Jackstick: Probably not. I'm assuming they haven't figure out how to make one yet.

Evernote for android does store notes locally with the latest beta version. Not in the market yet, but can be downloaded from the Evernote site.

I've never really understood the appeal for the white iphone... or any other phone for that matter. It looks really tacky, in my opinion (although I will say that the 4 looks a little less tacky than the previous iphones). Also doesn't seem to make much difference what color it is anyway. Wasn't it being reported


Good examples that illustrate why people with a dry sense of humor should be kept far away from live microphones. There's simply way too many humorless people out there who will take them seriously.

@Decad3nce: you forgot zeitmann as one of the annoying live wallpaper (and clock!) devs. It would be nice if we were able to ignore apps by developer names.

@SteveTheSultan: Posting something like "hey guyz! buy my app!" would be spam. Mentioning the app name in your original comment is not.

@SteveTheSultan: What is up with you Android devs complaining about not making any money on your Android apps, yet you don't even bother to mention the name of the apps you are trying to sell? You are the second one I've seen so far to comment on this "article" without mentioning the app name. You might make a

@MarcusMaximus: Thanks. Will check it out this evening when I get off work.

@MarcusMaximus: What is the name of your game? I will check it out.

@LeftClicker: I was about to say the same thing. Not that I would pay $499 for it either, but still.

@asaturn: I totally agree with you, and your analogy is a very good one. I'm assuming you directed your comments to the wrong person, since I never said anything implying that Google was spying or hacking.

@dappernat: I think a better analogy would be for people to leave their doors and windows wide open day and night. If people are dumb enough to do this, they deserve to have their shit stolen... by Google or anybody else.

@QLAB: Well, there is the evil Google picture to think about... The one above that looks like it would take any grade schooler about 20 minutes to come up with in a generic photo editor. I suppose they need to milk this work of art for all its worth.

@redman042: Not saying that I completely disagree with your comments, but your first paragraph perfectly describes Average Joe's frustration when he tries to run the latest hot game on his $399 Walmart PC. Despite Joe's frustration, the PC market didn't seem to suffer much from it.

@Kerensky97: oh cool. a 'me too!' topic. I've been using android phones for about a year now and have read I don't know how many articles about fragmentation. I'm still waiting for it to actually be an issue for me.

@daveNYC: In a lot of ways, I think it could be said that the article itself is a good 'troll job'. just sayin.