
@sahilm: I honestly don't believe a verizon iphone would mean trouble for android. People like what people like, and I believe that many people will continue liking android despite where the iphone may or may not be available. I think it will be great for Verizon customers to have more choices. Now if only ATT

@versatilias: " i think once a person gets a smart phone... that person will be content with that particular smartphone..."

I am a very satisfied android customer on Verizon. I have no interest in getting an iphone if it becomes available to me. I have no doubt that it is a great phone, but I just prefer what I'm using. I doubt I'm the only android customer on Verizon that feels this way. To assume that all Verizon customers are

@johnhope: How can an ad be annoying and invisible at the same time?

@doggdiggity: I guess I spoke too soon... Palmary Weather updated today with the long promised widgets.

@genomecop: You're not alone, and I'm not sure that you're in the minority either. There are many people who don't like the X. I won an X in a contest at another website. Kept it for only a few days before selling it and going back to my trusty Incredible.

@theCollector: I think you might have mistaken what appears to be humor as EVO hate.

Weatherbug Elite seems to be the best I've found so far. Palmary Weather looked promising, but seems like it has been abandoned. They've been promising a widget for several months now, but still nothing. Also, the forecast temps always seem to be about 15-20 degrees higher than actual.

@Slinkit: After reading the chart, do you still think they 'get it'?

@dale3h: @JakeMG: Waxing Pedantic: "Now if only it were on Android also :)"

@ShotOnce: You know, there are many people out there who like having choices. Just sayin'.

I've never understood all you potato peelers in this world. I always leave the skin on my potatoes for a couple of reasons... 1) the skin is the most nutritious part of the potato, and 2) peeling potatoes is just too much work.

@makeitgo: Jeez, you guys really need to lighten up. Comparing a cell phone to a presidential candidate? You are kidding, right?

I think some of you read way too much into all of this. Did none of you have pep rallies before the big game in high school? This is clearly nothing more than a big pep rally. It really says something positive about MS, in my opinion. For the employees to have that much pride in the company they work for by

@blyan: closest to zero is best.

I personally blame Google for this.

needs more wires.

@jotapeh: above, with a youtube ripper.

@Mark 2000: Well if the sign says so, then it must be true. The weeds underneath make this all too clear. :P