French, in linguistic terms, is not a mess. It is a system which has developed combined and irregular features over time, and it makes sense internally.
French, in linguistic terms, is not a mess. It is a system which has developed combined and irregular features over time, and it makes sense internally.
A “stupid mess” ? Just because a language is more complex than english doesn’t mean it’s a “stupid mess” dude. Remember what the best writers of all time were speaking again ? Oh right ! French.
It’s the most perfect for poetry and writing of all kinds. Try to learn it, it’s hard but def worth it.
“If English was good enough for Jesus...”
I’d like to hear why you think French is such a “stupid mess” of a language.
All of this is missing the point — that’s the Six Fingered Man who killed Inigo Montoya’s father cosplaying in the labcoat.
Her son wanted to go as a graduation gift.
Jamie Lee also claims to be a bigger fan of Street Fighter than most people know.
This is warming :)
But why was she there? Just a fan? Or knew a competitor?
Impractical for what? She is not a fighter. She does not go into dungeons is it stupid yes but why not? Impractical? Again this is fantasy not reality. It does not need to make sense. I think its cute and funny and it fits her personality. How she also uses her big breast to make up for her short height against the…
Hestia is after Bell the best character in this series. And her design totally fits her personality in my opinion. Most people had unrealistic designs in this Anime but they all fit their characters it is not reality it is fantasy^^
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? was my most favorite Anime last season. Despite the title I was so glad I checked it out. It also featured the best moment this season as well. The fight against the Minotaur in Episode 8 was easily the highlight. The Presentation, the cuts, the music the dialogue it…
How many times did you wipe while getting your troll technique down?
Utterly daft post. World first Mythic kills always take an extremely high number of attempts because you’re typically undergeared for the encounter and you’re the ones learning all the mechanics for the sake of everybody else. They’re the best guild on the planet, you think they can’t analyse a raid boss?
I hope that is what they mean.
Suiciding trolls, suiciding trolls everywhere!
So it’s a “single player” game in which the multiplayer component is the shared lives pool?
I am so excited. The Brits were quite a bit more violent than their US counterparts, and the Pankhurst women were really interesting historical figures (even though they aren’t the focus of the film). Plus the line, “war is the only language men listen to”