Doge_Supreme drives a BRZ

I sure would. But for now I’m playing through 3 and New Vegas one last time. I finished (main quest, all DLC mains, and a whole bunch of side quests) now I’m going through NV now and I’m less than Halfway through the main quest and have finished 3 of the DLCs. I want to get all the companion quests and everything else

In the plums

Yeah Morrowind has one of the best starts for a game. They just dump you into the world with little direction on what you need to do.

It will be Fallout 4 for then next few months for me as well. I’m having such a hard time waiting these last few days.

Sounds good. I don’t like how New Vegas kind of was in your face about tracking down who shot you right off the bat. I know you can ignore it and go off on your own but I like completing quests as they pop up so it always annoyed me. I really want to know if the character was either cryogenic preserved in the vault or

The weather will be a nice touch and add more character to the world. I wonder if you could build up rads if you stand out in the rain for too long. If the map is really that big I’m going to have a good time wandering about, I’ll probably focus about 80% of my time to just exploration. I wonder if they are just going

Sounds exactly like what I was expecting. I wish they still had the hardcore mode but its not a deal breaker and I can get a mod for it later. I’ll probably have more fun with the settlement stuff because I love building stuff in games. 8 days is far too long to wait.

Maybe they should allow a choice between NA and turbo engines like back in the 80’s. It would allow the teams suffering with an unreliable power plant to use a proven design while those who have gotten the new power plants to work to keep developing them. F1 should be more about pushing the limits of automotive

This is what happens when someone buys a car above their skill level.

I too am waiting for the holidays to pick this up but for a different reason, Fallout 4. Waiting will give me enough time to play through Fallout then I can play this while waiting for mods to come out.

I think it would look better with a better paint job.

Agreed the motorcyclist was in the wrong up until the point the guy hit him with his car, at that point it was all on him.

I think I’ll wait until after the initial demand goes down and they work out any bugs it may have, but ill definitely be adding this to my garage at some point in the future.

~3500 lbs is a bit high for a car this size.

drivatrds is the most apt description I’ve heard for them.

Even with it reduced they can be pretty aggressive. I can’t count the number of times I’m holding my line just to have one come out of nowhere and plow straight into me. The drivatar system only works when the people that play the game aren’t trying to plow through the competition at every moment. It helps though if

The only issue I had with the beta was that the controls felt clunky playing with a controller on PC. I tried playing the game with a mouse and keyboard but it wouldn’t let me past the title screen without plugging one in. If its fixed by release ill be getting this game for sure.

There is or at least was a Japanese steakhouse and sushi bar in Palm Springs that my family a friend and I went to when we were there for spring break about 11 years ago. The restaurant had a lunch special of all you can eat sushi for about 30$. Anyhow my friend and I managed to finish off roughly 40 plates each (the

Did anyone else have issues not being able to use mouse and keyboard to play? It wouldn’t let me past the press enter to start page until I plugged in a controller and the controls felt very choppy despite tinkering with the sensitivity for a good hour or so. (using Xbox One controller with a wired connection.)

Will there be Pre-loading or is it just available for download at midnight? I already have it pre purchased but I’d like to be able to play at midnight.