Doge_Supreme drives a BRZ

Your going to need the other two expansions to play The Taken King. I just picked up the last two expansions after coming back from a break since October and I’m starting over completely to relearn how to play, so I haven’ been able to do much with the new content.

And the upcoming Focus RS. It’s not dead yet.

I would pay to have Gilbert Gottfried as an optional voice for Ghost.

The one thing that bugs me about it is that asymmetrical vent on the drivers side. Its supposed to be for transmission cooling but I feel like they could have thought up a more elegant solution.

I wonder if SK could set up a powerful enough infra-sound system and just blast a frequency that makes everyone on the NK side super ill.

One time some people from the high school I went to took someones dog tied it to a tree and shot it with a crossbow around 6 or 7 times, none of them ever got in trouble at the time but one of them did end up in jail on assault charges. High schoolers can be some seriously fucked up individuals.

Why is it that all these pro-gun people so stupid about handling a firearm. Anyone looking to purchase a device capable of ending another living beings life should have to take several months worth of classes and training followed by thorough background checks and psychological evaluations maybe through in an IQ test

As someone who is in the age group of when were supposed to be going to clubs I simply don’t see the appeal. When I do go out on the town with friends which is an unfortunately rare occasion, it’s normally to a local pub/brewery. How are you supposed to have a conversation when you can’t hear anything over the music?

I’ve come to the conclusion that everything you learn from high school back is pretty much bullshit.

Was about to point that out as well. Definitely an Xbox One controller.

Or just play in solo or invite only modes. If you play in invite only you can still join heists and missions people are hosting on the public modes.

The fastest cars are always rentals.

I too have the dream of ordering my own RR, but I’ll never be able to afford it. I’ve been in one of their dealerships in Palm Springs, they have so many different options to choose from.

Yeah the base mechanics were good but the game itself didn’t fully deliver. I’ve been holding off the the urge to play, by replaying borderlands 2, and by the fact my I left my PS4 down at my parents house a;though I’ll be bringing it home this weekend.

Gjallarhorn was actually my second exotic weapon that I got. My first was Ice Breaker which I got from a legendary engram before they tweaked the engram system. The only one I’m mad about not getting is Monte Carlo just because it looks so good, I remember playing in PVP and the person below me got it as their reward

So the season pass only covered the two previous expansions? Why even bother with the pass then.

So all the DLC is included in the latest DLC? I may or may not have bought the season pass I can’t remember though it’s been so long.

I find it odd that after I stopped playing back in October that I now want to go back to playing. Despite Destiny being ultra-repetitive and lacking some key features that would make it a great game, I could still sink tons of hours into it back when I played. I think the main thing that drove me to quit was failing

If I remember correctly they built the park specifically for use with the board, so its basically guaranteed that they have conductive material under the surface.

Essentially yes. There has yet to be any major breakthroughs in gaming that has been contributed to mobile gaming other than in game purchases, which really is the worst thing that has happened. The issue is that mobile gaming is so prevalent in modern times with nearly everyone having a smartphone that many