Doge_Supreme drives a BRZ

Do you know if there’s an option to not have it installed, or is it basically required in order for the car to function at all. The 4C was on the list of potential DD for after I graduate, but that vent ruins it for me.

I wish they could have come up with a more elegant solution than that. It just looks out of place being non body colored, like a fake vent you would get from some random part store.

What is this vent for and why did they not make it symmetrical? that is the only thing I don’t like on the 4C it just looks out of place.

Back in the old days me and my friends managed to rig together both a detagger and a thing to open those plastic game cases out of some rare earth magnets I had laying around. The sticker tags are still the easiest to deal with, you just peel them off or bend them back and forth a few times.

You can also jury-rig one together with a few rare earth magnets which cost maybe 5-10$.

I’m assuming tat there will be next to no skill involved. It will probably have an advanced enough form of launch control that all you have to do is press a button and step on the gas.

Seriously. I am still not over the cancellation of MML3. It would have sold tons of copies, but Capcom said there was a lack of interest to push it through to completion.

As long as you're not turning it on in the middle of traffic it should be fine. I ran rally lights on my RSTi when I had it and never got called on it. Probably also depends what kind of cop you're dealing with.

Thank you.

Anyone have an idea on what helmet the Adam driver is wearing? It looks like a fighter pilot’s.

I believe they wrote the list to apply to console games more or less. If they were focusing on PC games then adding mods would be #1. I know that making the jump from Skyrim on 360 to PC it was an entirely different game with a bunch of new content mods installed.

How did he get approved to buy one? Last I remember Ferrari was only selling them to people who have owned 5 other Ferraris and they were all sold before production began. I think Ferrari is making the wrong move PR wise selling one to him. Oh well he will probably end up wrapping it around a tree or having it catch

Was thinking the same thing. If this makes it to production it will be and extremely watered down version of the concept.

The issue is tracking it back to their device. Since most bluetooth headsets don't really keep track of the devices connected to them, and its usually the phones job to keep track of bluetooth devices, it would prove difficult to trace back its use to an unauthorized user. So unless this thing keeps telemetry about

Was expecting something much more similar to the others, and I can say that this is plenty different to not get confused with the other two from any angle. I like it, any word on pricing yet?

I recently picked up a G750JM-DS71 with similar specs and I love it as well. Runs all the games I play at max settings and with plenty of mods installed.

I have a Asus G750 and the only time its starts to stutter is when the battery drops below 10%. It runs cool all the time, but I keep it on a flat hard surface when in use, but if your not doing that most laptops will have heat issues.

did you not see my earlier post where I stated that by saying frame I meant the main structure of the car. 90% of the time when I'm talking about cars with people they have no idea what the difference is between frame and unibody, so I've just gotten used to saying frame to describe the main structure of a car.

If I'm going to have to start cutting stuff apart and welding it back together it's probably not worth the time work and money. If I'm just replacing panels its not so bad.

that's 100% what I meant. Typically I refer to the main structure of a car as the frame it's just easier.