

"Lol, were," Diana.

The same assholes who jabber on about the government interfering with a parent's right to determine what is right for their children's health certainly have no problem with telling a woman what is right for health and well-being.


This is the love child of Seth Rogen and James Franco.

COSSSSSSMOOOOOOOOO? Here's a Cosmo article:

Emile Hirsch really fucked up. He's probably going to get sentenced to like 8 meet and greets for that.

First of all, how on earth did you get a copy of this? When I sent it out I explicitly wrote PRIVATE DO NOT SHARE (in all caps like that) at the top. I'd like to point our that whoever leaked this removed that, so by law, reprinting this is illegal. I know this because my father is very rich, runs Fowler Enterprises,

Oh, sure, SHE does it and everyone's like "daaaaaaaaang girl" and I do the same damn thing and everyone's all like "get off of my balcony" and "seriously I'm calling the police" and "using chicken cutlets in that manner is a crime against humanity and God," typical double standard

She's doing much better than that punk brother of hers

Ladies, I cannot stress enough how important a nice, tight casing is for your kielbasa. And if you aren't using the mustards I recommended, I will stop you and apply them myself.

Look Veronica, if you want to fuck with the eagles, you'd better learn how to fly.

Lupita!! You continue to make so many good choices. KEEP IT UP!!!

The ultimate Taylor Swift fan took over Tumblr with her spot-on recreations of the Polaroids from 1989 and got an overjoyed response from Swift herself

Honey, if you're husband is showering 2-3 times a day, maybe he's pulling a Kevin Spacey in American Beauty.

nope, it's not like Forida. Louisiana is f'd up in a way more complex and interesting way. Florida is 100% obvious in it's utter awfulness.

At last, evidence that you should always bring Spears to a knife fight.

goddamn jamie lynn, you fucking badass.


You guys - I shared walls with Kristen recently. WALLS. EVERY DAY. I've lived around some crazy people (as you do in Los Angeles), but she takes the cake. SUCH an entitled asshole. I can't even tell you. Finished with Gatorade bottle bongs? Simply throw them in the yard! It's Wednesday night at 3am? Have a