
'The West Throne Room': Danaerys as Prez. Bartlet, Tyrion as Josh, Daario as CJ, Hizhdar as Toby, Missendei as Donna, & Greyworm as Charlie.

"It's the Merv Griffin set."
"How did you get this in here?"
"You just bring it in sideways and hook it."
"So where are you gonna sleep?"

David Letterman and Oprah as co-captains.

I'm assuming he'll be a presence for a major chunk of the season, and with a new actor for Tommen, we'll get to see Kevan and Margary turn him against his mother, so when she does "win" her freedom, she won't have any allies left and the prophecy will be true in the sense that she will have "lost" all three of her

The only other place grayscale comes up in the books in a major way is on Tyrion's journey to Mereen, so maybe they're going to give the grayscale to Tyrion or Varys? We also still don't know who (if anyone) from the books will accompany Tyrion and Varys on their journey.

I know conflict and chaos are the roots of good drama but at some point the main characters need to be given time to play offense and make decisions freely. This season has been missing those opportunities.

"Fuckin' Poles." - Hitler (and me tonight)

Winston, it's never the wrong time to take a straw pole on the Cosby thing.


Wyle is an awful actor. To have him play someone iconic like Murrow sounds even worse.

Yes! Or Tony Schalub, or Richard Lewis.

Creepy pawn shop biker coming through the "floor hole" and Craig going to Dr. Richard Nygaard were my biggest laughs (besides, of course, Ron's giggle at the end while sipping whiskey), and besides Leslie's pat on Ron's stomach.

Does Ron still have a wife and kids? Do they provide him any solace?

'Rubicon' and 'The Agency' were both good intelligence agency shows with tons of potential that never had the writing and enough time to live up to their potential. This premise does not sound like it will rise above either show.

Kalinda dies —-> Cary flips on Bishop.

Why the hell did they return to Ezra's planet? Is it just a convenient home base? Why?

I'll just leave this here for those that are enjoying the cheesiness and wackiness of this show so far.