Does Not Equal

Kotaku used to be cool because it steered away from the AMERICA FUCK YEAH BANG BANG-imprinting of IGN and such, showing also the "shady" part of gaming like japanese gaming and assorted news from every perspective. It was good until it got too famous, writers got a pretty uppity and turned this - probably due to

Getting it on while watching a government press conference? Your parents have the weirdest fetish.

Stop and go bumper-to-bumper traffic at night will induce seizures.

Maybe she had the same problem someone else mentioned Quicksilver having — too cool for the screen. Her power would have made the core mission so much easier.

"Amplitude and FreQuency were originally funded and published by Sony for the PlayStation 2. Since Sony owns these properties, sequels are exclusive to the PlayStation platforms (PS3, PS4 and potentially PS Vita), as is the case for all other Sony-owned properties that we know of."

Damn, West "by God" has been in the news a lot lately. You think it was a state or somethin'!

It should also be noted that in a lot of schools "fighting back" counts as "fighting," period. Meaning if your bully shoves you or hits you and you "grow a pair" as the mayor suggests and decide to fight back, you get in as much trouble as your bully. I've been through this with family members—if they fight back, they

Second thought: "Shit, I live in Scotland"

Yea but this cover ain't for you, homie.

You can tell it's in Australia because the kid spun counter clockwise.

Civ isn't even out on the xbox one...

This is correct! Why aren't people reading the article...


Did you...not read it?

"Guy Fieri makes a great host."

I like you.

I think what MADE it is that I threw out "dumb," then doubled back and punctuated it with "idiots!" Quite a one-two punch!

I thought they were named after an indigenous tribe that is named after a helicopter.

There is a special place in hell for managers who comp the meals of total asshole customers. It only encourages them to keep their bad behavior up.