
I was so charmed by Blanca's "I like reading more than I like living my actual life" line

Foy is really great (I could have listened to her say Cromwell's name about a million more times). I also really liked how Cromwell being the POV character meant that you didn't often see Anne Boleyn and Henry in a scene together in this series, so I didn't have to spend a ton of time watching Anne flatter Henry and

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who found the first episode kind of weak compared to the other five. Or maybe weak is the wrong word, it could have had more to do with me needing the adapt to the shows pacing. Either way, at the end of the first episode I was impressed and intrigued, but I didn't rush to watch the next

When Slater woke up after being shot with the tranquilliser dart and said "okay, let's do this what's your face, Pam, what's your…what the shit?", I know he was probably referring to the mission but I choose to believe he'd just been dreaming about hooking up with Pam.