
I work for a TV station (okay, it's public TV, but it still counts), and I'm very happy with this decision. And no, it's not because I don't want you to watch our shows (again, public TV; we're thrilled when you watch us), but because Aereo was exploiting a technicality to do something that even we aren't allowed to

This is the point that I finally accepted that the Emperor (aka JMS) had no clothes. After spending years telling us that the Vorlons and the Shadows weren't as simple as Good and Evil, they turned out to be the equally simplistic Order and Chaos. And for all the protestations that B5 was better than Trek, the grand

The actual reason is because it's part of a night of science and nature programming, and follows the long-established series "Nature" and "Nova." The third hour of PBS' Wednesday night lineup is reserved for short-run or one-off science docs.

Yes…the point that I was attempting to make was that if Young Me had had the slightest idea how to make himself awesome, he would've done that.

More like "make yourself acceptable."

I like how everyone assumes I was fat. I most assuredly was not.

Of course I read a lot. That's what people do when real life batters them down: escape into fictional worlds. And I was in plenty of activities, particularly newspaper and theater. It's not as if I wasn't spending a lot of time talking to women. And all it ever got me was the "friend zone" or the dreaded "you're like

Oh, sure, "make yourself awesome." If only I'd thought of that!

I'm writing not on behalf of Current Me—21 years married—but rather Young Me, who spent his teens and the first half of his 20s engaging in behavior that is now characterized as "Nice Guy." And I'm not attempting to excuse that behavior; I get why it's considered creepy.

"never mind TV’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., airing not-so-coincidentally opposite the first third of Superheroes"