Dodongo Dislikes Smoke


Much like Jimmy G., I would fuck Kiara Mia.

Run up, get done up. Anybody would’ve gotten the same treatment. She got what was due and had the nerve to cry about it.  FOH.

I guess if I had the chance to bang Jeanna Fine or some other porn mainstay from my “on my knees in front of scrambled Spice channel” days, I prob would.

The game is trying enough even without the prevalence of hacking and save glitching. If playing PC: play in offline mode; back up your saves. Unfortunately, that seems to be the only way to do it. From Software doesn’t seem to be addressing these issues.

You’ll get no argument from me!

Yeah, I’ve always said SAAB (like the car) In.

Trump (if alive) will certainly still be in office, but not sure there will have been elections of anything of the sort. Just one excruciating lifelong term.

I’m told that these things save lives. Confirm/deny?

What the heck is up with Vázquez here? I thought that the catcher charges in to protect the pitcher (sometimes from himself) in situations like this?

Just...maybe DON’T? I kinda see these things and think that forcing your SO to into your hobbies in kinda gross. Just let people be into what they want to be into. Having time apart to pursue your respective hobbies is a healthy thing.

I’m just glad he didn’t feel threatened enough to shoot her, since he absolutely could’ve done that with ZERO repercussions.

I have been dragged, kicking and screaming into Switch ownership. It would be insanity to shell out $80 for a cardboard robot kit peripheral. It would be even crazier NOT to pre-order it. Goddamnit, Nintendo.

I have been dragged, kicking and screaming into Switch ownership. It would be insanity to shell out $80 for a

“Ball is a popular figure—or, anyway, he clearly drives traffic—which means he’ll keep being interviewed.”

Maybe he should run for president. 

Dude clearly blew his knee out by blowing Jen Selter’s back out. Good for him, I say.

Thank you, Black America! I love you. We don’t deserve you, and you deserve better than this version of America. This win is EPIC. It is a beautiful thing to feel the germination of hope. This is an early Christmas miracle. Thank you.

According to the trailer, it will also be available on Steam. (praise Ono!)

I think there’s definitely a difference in being alone and being lonely. I like being alone. I hate being lonely.
