
A thousand Jalopnik comments, yet not a single congratulations about making the Volt a hatchback instead of a sedan?

@Dustin-The-Wind: Anyone can build an interesting one-off car. High school kids and college kids have organizations that do it.

@aec007: Honda's hybrid sales in the US have been abysmal. The Accord hybrid was a great car that failed to sell and was discontinued, the new Insight has bombed, no one bought the old insight, and the civic hybrid is only a modest success.

@Justin Hyde: You guys have had a quote (Fiesta) on the front page of for about half a year now.

@Chuck Mamich: If you're charging every night you'd want to switch to a variable pricing schedule where you pay for example 25 cents/kWh during the daytime and 5 cents per during night.

@MickC: GM makes a boatload of diesel passenger cars in Europe.

@Spinnyd: The plug in prius costs around $50k (US) in Japan, after some government tax breaks for plug-ins.

@Nerdhacker1: Seems pretty silly to me. Now that you own part of a company you're less likely to buy from it?

@Arfdog: Coal (domestic) is also massively cheaper than oil (terrorists), that's where another part of the "230 mpg for the first 40 miles" figure comes from.

@electricworry: And we know how well the first gen insight sold...

@LappingLuke: We call it "drafting". Greenies: the new NASCAR fan.

@blash: Read Motor Trend's article on the Volt's tech to learn instead of expressing your ignorance out loud.

@Jared904: EVs are more efficient in terms of energy consumption (operational cost). Fossil fuel power plants are about twice as efficient as car engines. The losses in transmission of electricity and storage in battery are miniscule compared to the inefficiency of small engines. Furthermore, the EV allows you to use

@Kotobuki: If you can't afford a garage, you shouldn't be buying a 40k car. Get a beater and drive it into the ground until you can afford proper storage for an expensive car.

@ForTehNguyen: Given that you're already paying for it, and have a stake in its success, wouldn't that logically make more likely to buy it?

@Frankenbike666: super-fast charging tech is fun, but very difficult to make safe, and is expensive, and is in opposition to long battery life. I'm not a fan of battery swap, but that seems to me more likely to be successful than super fast charging for consumer electric cars.

@iamjames: Most likely the gas engine is tuned for efficiency rather than power, since most folks won't be maxing out the engine (remember that at high speeds both the gas engine plus electric engine drive the wheels).

@gyronic: I don't know how Toyota accomplished it, but the Prius has been the most reliable midsize car since gen 2. I still don't believe it, but all the surveys show it.

@Eric Lai: The mercedes accomplished that CD with a much larger frontal x-section.

@Pete84: Daytime parking plugin points are a non-starter for most people.