

why don't newspapers print text all the way across the width of the page?

Don't join google+, we don't want it to become a wasteland of poo like Facebook has become.

This is why Americans don't get hatchbacks.

WTF is a "SmugMug /span"?

I paid $45 million and all I got out of it was Color.

Obama socialism at its best. We should allow the phone companies to all merge into one, then we will have the best possible service. That is what the free hand of the market desires! By suppressing these corporate activities, you are suppressing the rights of red-blooded Americans.


Hot temper, hyper-agressive driving are what makes racing fun. We need more of that and less boring conservative driving. Who wants to see no passing attempts and no risk taking?

The cars aren't as fragile as you think. Imagine the forces encountered by the car during normal racing.

The unwritten story this year is how bad Massa has been, and how much he's fallen since the freak accident that took him out. I can't believe Ferrari re-signed him. The guy clearly deserves a break but he's just not the driver he used to be. No one wants to touch the topic since he's such a good guy.

Hamilton is the only interesting driver in F1. No one else takes risks. No one else tries to pass.

Meat should not stick to a grill. Make sure:

It's impossible with the simple sensors available today. However, any kind of animal eye can do it. Flexible or liquid lenses are on their way, as are more intelligent sensors.

Put drink in freezer. Keep the ice out. Use water only if you want dilution.

They should add a couple extra minutes to qualifying if there's a red situation.

I don't want to trivialize his intelligence, but Steven Heller is about as smart as a sea urchin but has far poorer design skills.

We watch F1 for the motors. In F1 the car is far more important than the driver. Put Vettel in the Lotus and he's still never making Q3. Put Liuzzi in the RBR and he's a podium finisher.

The need for passing is lessened when you're going to pit every ten laps. Why take risks in passing when you know you can blow by them while in the pits?

KERS is irrelevant for Red Bull. Their car is clearly superior and they can win without it. The new rules help Red Bull the most. They have the fastest pit times, so more pit stops help RBR the most.