Pffff… as if. You think some miniature little explosions are going to make a difference to something as massive as the earth? Physics is definitely not your strong suite, maybe you should select another profession?
Pffff… as if. You think some miniature little explosions are going to make a difference to something as massive as the earth? Physics is definitely not your strong suite, maybe you should select another profession?
You give Dodge a bad name snowflake.
It’s not 40, it’s 65 and we love it... pound sand snowflake!
Yeah, pretty disgusting for them... they are the “bullshit”, not Trump or his orders. Get a frickin clue giz-modo...
You morons have your tinfoil on too tight... you better adjust it quick before you have an Aneurysm or worse!
Hehe... you think you are patriots after the last 8 years of crap? Isn’t that cute... and clueless...
Lookie there, the sky is falling, the sky is falling... more communist drivel from pinheads who have about as much common sense and critical thought capabilities as a grain of sand. Can’t wait till this politically correct BS is tossed into the ashcan of history like so many other things that have come to pass over…