
Don’t insinuate it’s YouTube’s fault or cast a negative light on them by mentioning only 2 options - YouTube or humanity is to blame. It’s part of a greater philosophical issue with many variables. By drawing a line in the sand you subconsciously make people blame YouTube. Unless you can offer a solution that YouTube

Really enjoyed this article, I’d never heard of serial vs. procedural before, and it is thought provoking. I loved TNG. And I love newer shows, like GoT. I don’t think one is necessarily better or worse than the other.

If there was an easy solution, they’d have done it already. Think about this - this fake news - how many people does it trick? How much time does a real person, with years of experience, need to spend researching and comparing sources to find the “truth” of even simple facts. And how often are they, or better yet

I started journaling right after graduating college. It was a very hard transition for me, since all my friends moved to different places. I wrote entries every few days about any particularly tough situations and/or issues I had with people. By the time I would finish writing the last sentence, I always felt like I

Just because the majority of 2nd rate coders do anything doesn’t make it right.

Seems to me the experiment worked out wonderfully, highlighting one of the biggest risks in creating a learning AI. Imagine if it had the ability to do more than post tweets. Maybe this very public demonstration will get people to consider the more intricate issues underlying the creation of AI.

Think a lot of it comes down to having magic that can do pretty much everything already. I’m sure that a select few continue studies (or as mentioned in other comments, become an apprentice under a master wizard). Magic isn’t treated like muggle science, it’s an art. Maybe there is just a different point of view on it

I’m sure they can use magic to speed up menial tasks like grading homework.