
Ashley, I know you probably take a lot of shit over your work here, so I wanted to tell you I have started to deliberately check Deadspin when something like this breaks, knowing that your article will both appropriately reinforce my horror and commiserate with it. You’re great. Fuck anyone who tells you otherwise

Jez should create a living document of all these stories. There are already hundreds and it’s been four days.

Cunts are marvelous. This guy’s just a jackass.

You’re a cunt.

It’s really nice to hear privileged people acknowledge and own their privilege, and make an effort to see things from other, less privileged viewpoints.

I’m a teacher, and this is all very good advice. One thing for parents to keep in mind. Students are very good at not getting caught when it comes to bullying. They choose hard to monitor places like bathrooms and now social media/text messaging.

Yet another reason to despise the New England Scoundrels

....For three days

So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!

Al Davis in hell right now

Finally a pro scout recognizes Tebow as a quarterback.

“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”