
The manufacturers. The manufacturers are to blame. End of story.

If you run a hospital, you have to get it accredited. The body that accredits the most hospitals in the US gives an individual institution a window of time where they might come for a site visit, usually a couple of months long. Then, they just show up. They walk in your front door one day and say “show us your OR,

So, as a relatively well-published physician scientist [citation needed], how would you do a randomized controlled trial of...a bio marker test? Give half the kids in your sample autism and see if the test picked it up? What variable would you randomize? The RCT model doesn’t apply to validation studies.

So, turns out CRISPR/Cas-9 isn’t nearly as selective as we thought it was. You can plan to make a modification HERE and wind up making unplanned and undetected modifications THERE and THERE. If one of those THERE’s happens to be in a sperm progenitor, congratulations! You’ve made an unanticipated mutation that now

Pediatric ICU doctor here. Get the fucking shot, already. It is scientifically impossible for the shot to “give you” the flu. I don’t really give a shit if it keeps you from getting the flu or not. I care deeply whether it keeps you from sneezing on some kid and giving them a virus that’ll stop their heart, turn

Should probably point out that stem cell (or “bone marrow”) transplants don’t require surgery, unlike solid organ transplantation which does. The donor cells come in a syringe. You hook it up to an IV pump and press “start.” Did it once in residency. Couldn’t figure out if it was awesome, profound, or banal.

Sorry to be that guy, but it’s methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus - MRSA. Not MSRA

This isn’t really that big a deal. We do airway reconstructions now, which would take care of the trachea. Many children undergoing complex heart surgery have all blood flow to their brains stopped during what’s called “deep hypothermic circulatory arrest.” Without hooking up the nerves, this is pretty useless. And